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  1. The Gonzaga University Institute for Hate Studies is hosting the Second International Conference on Hate Studies Wednesday through Saturday in Spokane .


  2. " These people could remember the color of a shirt or whether the photo was taken in New York , but they didn 't remember anything tempting about the person ," Gonzaga said .


  3. a luncheon at the home of the Marchioness Violante Guerrieri Gonzaga , and a few inevitable sites , like the Colosseum .


  4. Gonzaga and Haselton asked 120 heterosexual undergraduates in committed relationships to examine photographs of attractive members of the opposite sex from an eHarmony Web site .


  5. " Yet we still do not know enough about how hatred works and how to prevent and combat it ," John Shuford , director of the Gonzaga University Institute for Hate Studies , in Spokane , Washington , said in a statement .
