Two or three grave sedate-looking persons shook their heads , and left the inn , hinting , that if Gile Gosling wished to continue to thrive , he should turn his thriftless godless nephew adrift again .
There is no space for godless dogs like you guys !
A godless net muting with ant colony algorithm for IC design is presented .
Only a godless ideology could plan and carry out the extermination of a whole people .
She had heard that giants could still be found in the godless wild beyond the Wall .
Have nothing to do with godless myths and old wives'tales ;
I don 't want to die in a godless land , sir . that 's all .
To keep a godless man from ruling , from laying snares for the people .
The widely held fear that a Godless citizenry must experience societal disaster is therefore refuted .
So , according to the c.a.c. , the world we live in is a godless one .
I said , shocked at his godless indifference .
Art as the Existence of Life in a Godless World : Nietzschean Metaphysics of Arts and the Modernity Issues
We have to know , the kid 's superficial " completely lawless and godless " is exactly their weak performance .
These men were dirty , drunken , and both godless and lawless .
Mercy , peace and love be yours in abundance . ( The sin and doom of Godless men )
I guess Rick Santorum is right . This is a godless university So I want to speak just very quickly of two stories .
Soon after this the big ship came sailing in , and the prince 's godless wife appeared before her father with a sorrowful air .
After a10-year bender of gaudy dreams and Godless consumerism , Americans are starting to trade down .
But the women were panic stricken and cried out before the judgment seat ," An evil judgment ! A godless judgment !"
" Both prophet and priest are godless ; even in my temple I find their wickedness ," declares the lord .
That demand , which contrasts with a drop in meat-eating among health-conscious Christians and godless folk , has helped transform the global livestock market .
Indeed , much of the recent resurgence of religious sentiment is grounded in the belief that moral chaos is the inevitable consequence of a godless universe .
To the churchmen , he was a godless atheist .
The group has authored a 13-point list of demands , including an end to what it calls the godless education system , and new laws prohibiting the unrestrained public mixing of men and women .
When they didn 't come back their father got impatient and said : " I 'll wager they 've been playing some game again and forgotten all about it , the godless brats . "
When the dwarfs heard what had happened they said , " The old peddler woman was no one else but the godless queen . Take care and let no one in when we are not with you . "
Catholic leaders in Australia hope that World Youth Day in Sydney will herald the start of a religious revival in a country considered in a recent German study to be one of the most godless in the western world .
He describes it as " evolution , development , and random biological ejaculations from a godless liberal ", and it has been a powerful pro-science voice in the creationism debate in the United States .
However , Liu Zhenyun seems to enter a paradox trap , that is , Chinese godless beliefs and uncertainty of human nature . It is a meaningless seeking , for language ontology and sensory coverage make language unspeakable .
I send him against a godless nation , I dispatch him against a people who anger me , to seize loot and snatch plunder , and to trample them down like mud in the streets .