- n.磬折形(自平行四边形的一角截去一较小平行四边形后的图形);太阳高度指示器;(日晷的)晷针,指时针

It appears as a small gnomon with lines extending in each major direction ( along the X , Y , and Zaxis ) .
Bronze Gnomon in Investment Casting in Plaster Mold
From then on , people were able to measure time and determine seasons based on the position and length of the gnomon 's shadow .
Reinforced rib setting in the black surface of large plate of the casting and tilt pouring method are preferable to gnomon casting .
Indicates the daylight hours by the shadow that the gnomon casts on a calibrated dial .
In the midday , when the gnomon 's shadow was cast over the stone plate , they could read the length of the shadow directly from the ruler .
The sun 's rays through the oculus , the graduated shadows on the gnomon , this is what makes Saint-Sulpice unique .
Application of labeling device in the retrofit of the electrical instrument panel 's scale indicates the daylight hours by the shadow that the gnomon casts on a calibrated dial .
By the age of fourteen Guo Shoujing designed a water clock and at sixteen he was studying mathematics . He worked on improving the Chinese gnomon and worked at Kublai Khan 's observatory .
Later , after noticing the gnomon 's shadow always pointed north at midday , the ancient people laid a ruler made of stone plate on the ground , vertical to the gnomon and pointing to the north .
The needle crosses the center of the dial vertically , just like the pole of the gnomon , and the stone dial is placed onto a stone plat-form , higher in the south and lower in the north .
The structure , reading set and observing methods of the instruments for time measuring and keeping , such as gnomon , sundial , armillary sphere and clepsydra in Song dynasty , have been analysed and their observation errors have been obtained .
The observatory , of masonry con-strudion , consists of the platform body and the stone gnomon ( commonly named as heaven measuring ruler ) . With a square plane , the observatory is narrow in the top and large at the bottom .
A simple and important astronomic instrument , the gnomon ( an instru-ment used to calculate the time , season , and so on ) is composed of a vertical gnomon ( about eight phi , or 2 . 6 meters high ) and a horizontal ruler .
The stone gnomon at the bottom of the groove is connected with 36 blocks of blue stone from south to north , and is 31 . 2m in length and 0 . 58m in width . The gnomon is canned with two parallel two-way watercourses .
After a long-time observation , the ancient people not only figured out that at mid-noon the length of the gnomon 's shadow was the shortest within a day , but also that at mid-noon of the summer solstice and the winter solstice the gnomon 's shadow was the shortest and longest respectively within a year .
The center of the northern wall is built into a hollow groove that is perforated through from top to bot-tom , so the higher gnomon at the groove 's straight wall and the stone gnomon at the bottom constitute a se-ries of gnomon apparatus for measur-ing the length of the shadow cast by the sun .