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  1. What it certain is that he will have a lot more time to spend with the couple 's seven month old baby daughter , Giulia .


  2. We arrive at the house of Luca 's old friends Mario and Simona , parents of the twin twelve-year-old girls Giulia and Sara .


  3. Giulia , the four-day-old daughter of Carla Bruni and President Nicolas Sarkozy , appeared on the steps of the Muette Clinic in Paris , where she was born last Wednesday .


  4. Giulia Enders , a German microbiologist , claims that people in Western countries are emptying their bowels in totally the wrong way - and instead of sitting on the loo , we should be squatting .


  5. The only person who seems to understand Angela 's predicament is her aunt , Zia Giulia who advises Angela to'be strong and be yourself'and not to let her Nonna get to her'like she did your mum .


  6. In a 17th-century palazzo in the historic center , D. O. M ( Via Giulia 131 ; ; from 240 euros ) is a luxurious hotel with 24 rooms and suites that opened in late 2013 .


  7. Although she has rarely been out of the spotlight in the last four years , the former supermodel put her pop career on hold after her whirlwind romance with Nicolas Sarkozy in 2008 and last year gave birth to a daughter Giulia , who is now seven months old .
