
  • n.吉菲(美国的一个 GIF 搜索引擎)
  1. GIPHY , the major GIF search engine , is throwing the very first GIPHY Film Fest for filmmakers up to the challenge of creating 18 seconds or less short films .


  2. GIPHY spokesperson Tiffany Vazquez told Quartz : " One of the biggest things to come out in recent years is Vine . People were telling stories and entertaining themselves in six seconds .


  3. According to the rules on GIPHY 's site , creators can submit a maximum of three movies in the narrative , stop-motion , animated , experimental , or wildcard / other categories .


  4. Job description : " Manage a budget and collaborate on fiscal strategy . Corporate customer account management for tech start-ups like Clever , Cruise , Lyft , Apple , Giphy , Slack , and more . "


  5. There was Jace Cooke , a founder of the tech start-up Giphy , and other young creatives - animators , app designers , musicians and filmmakers .


  6. In addition to Apple 's " emojification " feature , there is Twitter 's new GIF keyboard ( a partnership with the GIF company Giphy , which has been pumped with $ 78.95 million worth of funding since 2013 ) .
