
The method getElementById () could be used to find elements quickly .
Both use the familiar getElementById function to get a reference to the SWF .
Now you can use getElementById () easily .
It is essentially a shortcut for the familiar document . getElementById () function .
It represents an entire Web page , allows you access to powerful methods like getElementById (), and also allows you to create new nodes .
( Note : you are using $ () as an alias for document . getElementById () . )
The global document object allows you to use DOM to access the various XUL elements , in this case by using getElementById to find an element by its unique ID.
Prior to JavaScript libraries , using regular JavaScript , it was still quite easy to find a page element by its ID. The method getElementById () could be used to find elements quickly .
First , you use the document . getElementById () function to select the content div ; you 'll need to access it later when you 're ready to display the random number generated by the script .
The XForms model is part of the page 's DOM , so you just use the document . getElementById () method , just like you would do to access an HTML div or an HTML input field .
For example , the line var number = document . getElementById (" phone ") . value ; uses the DOM to find a specific element and then to retrieve the value of that element ( in this case , a form field ) .
Instead of needing to do this three times , we could improve the efficiency of this operation by assigning the result of document . getElementById (" myField ") to a variable and using that in each line instead , as shown in Listing 7 .