gear hobs

gear hobsgear hobs
  1. Discussion of Profiling Theory & Design Method of Gear Hobs


  2. Research on the Method of Accurate Relief Grinding for Making Gear Hobs


  3. CAD / CAM System of Gear Hobs for Enterprises


  4. Research of Realizing the Automatic Measurement of Gear Hobs Based on CNC Gear Measuring Center


  5. A Method for profile Calculation of Template Checking of worm Gear Hobs


  6. Determining the Size of Tip Relief Modification of Pre shaving Gear Hobs


  7. Design and Study of Non-relieved Gear Hobs for Compressor Rotor


  8. Relieving Wheel Diameter Charts for Fine Pitch Gear Hobs


  9. Forming Errors of Archimedes Gear Hobs and Their Modification


  10. At present , types of the cutters commonly include disc-type cutters and gear hobs .


  11. Special worm gear hobs with circular tooth , double pitch and involute etc , can also be ordered .


  12. CAD of Watch Gear Hobs


  13. This article uses Taylor Progression to figure out the approximate formula of the forming errors of Archimedes gear hobs .


  14. Optimum Design of Pre-Shaving Gear Hobs


  15. Generally , standard gear hobs are only used to machine gears with the same modul , pressure angle as hobs themselves .


  16. This system can optimize the parameter of gears , check relief grinding of tooth back automatically and design the gear hobs rapidly and reliably .


  17. Precise measurement of gear hobs ' various errors is an important premise for improving machining accuracy of gear hobs , and ensuring transmission quality of gears .


  18. At present , various errors of gear hobs are measured through different instruments in a separate way , in which the repeatability and efficiency of the measurement are low .


  19. The CAD method of watch gear hobs is introduced . The built up , flow diagram and key technology of the CAD system are discussed , and an applying example is given .


  20. The mathematical model presented in this paper can also be used in the regrinding of gear hobs with zero rake angle and positive rake angle for error calculation and revision .


  21. Based on the generatrix equation of the worm of various gear hobs , the mathematical model for the corresponding spiral surface and the equation of normal vector was established . 3 .


  22. In this paper , the method of space clutch profile normal is applied to design the profile of carbide cylindrical finish machining gear hobs on the base of built-up Hobs .


  23. A CAD / CAM system of gear hobs for enterprises is developed by using the integrated design method . The constitution of the system , functions of modules and principle of the process design module are introduced .


  24. This paper presents a numerical simulation model of variable offset regrinding for the carbide gear hobs with straight flutes based on the radial relief grinding in the final manufacturing procedure for them .


  25. The algorithm and formulas to determine the size of tip relief modification of pre shaving gear hobs are put forward . A principle to determine the lead width of tooth roots is also presented .


  26. Based on the production , the designing & manufacturing techniques of carbide gear hobs are introduced , and the size requirement of the hob body and insert , the choosing principle of all parameters are presented .


  27. Based on the theoretical helicoid of gear hobs , the equation of normal vector of the helicoid was deduced , and a formula for the correction of probe radius was proposed . 4 .


  28. All these have provided the reference standards for the equitably selecting cutting conditions and geometrical parameter of hob , prolonging the life of gear hobs , and predicting processes of gear hobbing .


  29. Considering production reality , author has deduced the calculating formula for edge trimming gear hobs with small pressure angle , it meets the needs of trial manufacture of the tractors imported from italian Fiat company .


  30. The method of choosing and applying replacement gear hobs for roughing gears is introduced . The reason of errors caused by the replacement gear hob is analyzed , and the calculating formulas of error values are given .
