
  • n.乔达摩;高塔马
  1. Vajrayana thus attempts to recapture the Enlightenment experience of the Gautama Buddha .


  2. His father , wishing for Gautama to be a great king , shielded his son from religious teachings or knowledge of human suffering .


  3. Could the flash of wisdom that came over Siddhartha gautama ?


  4. One by one , Gautama met the armies and defeated them with his virtue .


  5. Many men before Gautama in that land of uneventful sunshine had found life distressing and mysterious .


  6. Gautama Siddartha , who became the Buddha , urged his followers to isolate themselves from worldly life .


  7. Enlightenment for Gautama [ the Buddha ] felt as though a prison which had confined him for thousands of lifetimes had broken open .


  8. Hence on Vesak Day , Buddhists all over the world commemorate three great events : The Birth , Enlightenment and the Passing Away of Gautama Buddha .


  9. Eastern esthetics and art are quite different from that of western . On Artistic Characteristics of Chinese and Western Religious Paintings from Born of Gautama Buddha and the Sistine Madonna


  10. Gautama was a contemporary of mahavira .


  11. Buddhism is a religion and philosophy that developed from the teachings of the Buddha Gautama ( or Gautama ), who lived as early as the 6th century BC .


  12. Together Jesus and Barata read the Jewish Psalms and Prophets ; read the Vedas , the Avesta and the wisdom of Gautama .


  13. The statue is modelled on the Siddhartha Gautama Buddha inside the Mahabodhi Temple in Bodh Gaya in the Indian state of Bihar .


  14. Before he was incarnated as Gautama Siddartha , the Buddha resided in heaven , and told his followers that he had been Indra thirty-six times , and many hundred times ruler of the world .


  15. AA GOSSIP-BASED ANALYSIS OF LIBRARY COLLECTION WITH LOCAL FEATURES NEEDED FOR THE CREATIVE THINKING & Feeling on the Transfer of Oriental Thinking Mode " Narrating , Not Creating " On Artistic Characteristics of Chinese and Western Religious Paintings from Born of Gautama Buddha and the Sistine Madonna
