gauge transformation

美 [ɡeɪdʒ ˌtrænsfərˈmeɪʃn]英 [ɡeɪdʒ ˌtrænsfəˈmeɪʃn]
  • 规范变换;度规变换
gauge transformationgauge transformation
  1. Gauge Transformation in both Classical System and Quantum System


  2. At the end of this chapter a concrete calculation example of Gauge transformation is given .


  3. The physical origin of the gauge transformation is a mystery .


  4. Gauge transformation and quantum phase factor


  5. Gauge transformation in string theory


  6. Gauge Transformation , Backlund Transformation and the Nonlinear Superposition Formula


  7. Static gauge transformation and berry 's phase


  8. On the gauge transformation of the tensor potentials for the field of moving dislocations


  9. Toda lattice and discrete gauge transformation chain of Immunology


  10. As a matter of fact , free particle are automatically placed in the field interaction once local gauge transformation is made on them .


  11. An algorithm to construct the generator of gauge transformation for a system with singular higher-order Lagranian in field theories is given .


  12. Secondly , we use a gauge transformation to change the Hamiltonian into a function of the Cartan operators of the dynamical Lie algebra ;


  13. By using the method of the gauge transformation , this paper obtains the gauge transformation of Eigenvalue problems of energy dependent potentials and the Backlund transformation .


  14. The generator of gauge transformation for spinor QED with Chern-Simons ( CS ) term has been constructed .


  15. Some Quasi-Hopf Algebras with Gauge Transformation


  16. The paper dis cusses the relation of gauge transformation , relativity principle and symmetric destruction in vacuum and Prones the mechanism of symmetric destruction in vacuum .


  17. We found that the effective Hamiltonian and original one are formally related with a static gauge transformation , the quantum states of the two Hamiltonians differ by a Berry phase .


  18. Then a Darboux transformation for the coupled novel integrable generalization of the nonlinear Schrodinger equation is de-rived with the help of the gauge transformation between the Lax pair .


  19. We construct the generator of gauge transformation and the generator of BRST transformation , then we obtain gauge transformation and BRST transformation of component fields , we find certain relations between the BRST generator and the gauge generator .


  20. A Darboux transformation of the discrete spectral problem associated with the relativistic Toda lattices is found with the help of gauge transformation , further , a kind of algebraic algorithm to obtain explicit solutions for the relativistic Toda lattices is given .


  21. The situation is particularly simple if the time dependence is the result of a gauge or symmetry transformation .


  22. Strong and Weak Coupling Approximation for U ( 1 ) Gauge Theory in MK Transformation


  23. Within the framework of classical electrodynamics ( CED ) it is common practice to choose freely an arbitrary gauge condition with respect to a gauge transformation of the electromagnetic potentials .
