- adj.瘦高而笨拙的

The fourth part is the research of a specific case , analyzing the strategic choices of the Guangzhou Gangly Fair Company .
I had never seen a chap as tall and gangly as he was .
But the life of a tall , gangly , self-made Springfield lawyer tells us that a different future is possible .
The gangly Sun , who had also won the 800 freestyle in Shanghai , controlled the race from start to finish .
At Monaco he had shown faith in a gangly , young striker called George weah .
Pep made his way up through the youth system and made his debut on the first team in1990 as a gangly nineteen-old .
Even though Ms. Gainsbourg is the epitome of gangly chic , she hasn 't always felt comfortable in her skin .
His two older brothers were 17 , while bin Laden can be seen as a gangly teenager with an open and slightly unsure smile .
The naked baby 's gangly arms and legs dangle , his little head pillowed comfortably in the palm of his dad 's hand .
Conclusion The stature of male college students in the western part of Guangdong are mesomorph , the female are tallness , but the degree of development of both are gangly .
When the bell rang , a nasal buzzing sound , a gangly boy with skin problems and hair black as an oil slick leaned across the aisle to talk to me .
The gangly teenager shot 73 in his first round on Thursday to remain in contention for the weekend 's final two rounds , despite being penalised a shot on Friday for slow play .
They transformed the legendary Hatter into a gangly , circus clown , a man driven crazy by poison , who speaks in riddles and giggles like a school girl .
Although there 's only a year between them , at 39 Keith is so gangly , gawky , boyish and cute that he could be ten years younger than he is .