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  • v.镀锌;激励


stimulate (muscles) by administering a shock
Synonym: galvanize
cover with zinc
galvanize steel
Synonym: galvanize
to stimulate to action
..startled him awake
galvanized into action
Synonym: startle galvanize


  1. Politicians normally require a full-blown financial crisis to galvanise them into action .


  2. What the team need is a leader who will somehow galvanise them .


  3. Apple could galvanise the market .


  4. Hopes that power shortages in China will eliminate some of this local production and galvanise imports are wide of the mark .


  5. Analysts say they do not expect product safety to be the sort of issue that will galvanise middle-class political activism .


  6. " Nigeria has depended on other nations for virtually everything because of the absence of an effective science and technology policy to galvanise growth and development ," he said .


  7. Accel and DJI plan to make further announcements about how they will galvanise a developer community around the devices in the coming weeks .


  8. For years strategists such as Karl Rove played on cultural fears - often stoking racial resentment - to galvanise the vote .


  9. His only options are to use the White House bully pulpit to galvanise public opinion and deploy his executive powers to raise the cost of fossil fuel consumption .


  10. This , she hopes , will galvanise governments to improve the position of women , not just where they are victims ( say , in war ), but also in a broader sense .


  11. Meanwhile China , notwithstanding its rhetoric about learning from the US crisis , is merrily ploughing a similar path seeking to galvanise the property market by loosening loan to value requirements on new home purchases .


  12. The world bank initiative came ahead of a United Nations summit in Rome next week when the bank and other multinational institutions hope to galvanise support and find more donor money to tackle the food crisis .


  13. His anger seemed to galvanise other frustrated , mostly middle-aged mourners , who joined him in trying to batter down the gate until police backed down and allowed them to enter .


  14. Some British officials are sanguine about the impasse on global issues , saying strains and tensions are the result of the absence of a crisis to galvanise minds and this is to be welcomed .


  15. Hopes earlier in the year that the Chinese authorities would both relax monetary conditions and announce another round of stimulus to offset the cyclical slowdown , and that both actions would galvanise the stock market , have all but faded .


  16. Unlike in Syria , where photographs of starving residents distributed by activists sparked intervention to break the siege of Madaya , there are no photos of starving Nigerians to galvanise a response .


  17. For one thing , when I saw Biden performing at close quarters , I finally realised why Democratic party elders have been muttering for months that he would be their preferred presidential candidate if Hillary Clinton fails to galvanise the voters .


  18. Some of its intellectual roots stretch back 50 years to Jean-Jacques Servan-Schreiber , the French publisher and journalist , who tried to galvanise Europeans into countering the threat from across the Atlantic with the publication , in 1967 , of The American Challenge .
