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美 [ˈfʌziər]英 [ˈfʌzɪə]
  • adj.覆有绒毛的;毛茸茸的;紧鬈的;拳曲的;(形状或声音)模糊不清的
  • fuzzy的比较级
  1. How about making the tags fuzzier , like the keywords ?


  2. Chinese culture tends to be more implicit than English culture , so the Chinese language is fuzzier than English .


  3. With its fuzzier goals , America 's central bank is more vulnerable than some others .


  4. However , the lesser level of detail does not necessarily mean that the core idea of each pattern becomes fuzzier


  5. With the development of economy , the enterprise border becomes increasingly fuzzier . Strategy Alliance has gradually become an important cooperative way among different enterprises .


  6. The line between activism and journalism has always been somewhat fuzzy , but has become even fuzzier in the digital age .


  7. The overall self-value sense is suffused , its abstract degree is the highest , fuzzier too .


  8. In this model , non-singleton fuzzier was introduced into regular neural network , so that noise could be removed from train data adaptively .


  9. In an increasingly internationalized world , where linguistic and political boundaries become fuzzier daily , locale-dependent character sets are no longer feasible .


  10. According to Lakoff , hedges are words whose job is to make things fuzzier or less fuzzy . Hedges are necessary and irreplaceable in human communications .


  11. With security broadly restored , Minustah 's raison d ' ê tre became fuzzier .


  12. Careful though & the more realistic and tricky you try and get the fuzzier the image may appear if it 's destined to reproduce at small size .


  13. This concept compares with singleton fuzzier in most of the literatures , it not only can overcome the input noises , but also has the robustness for the time-delay system .


  14. Beijing has made a point of lending out pairs of pandas to various countries around the world to help develop both diplomatic ties and fuzzier , if not furrier , bonds of friendship .


  15. But for big business , one researcher argues that " cloud " metaphor may be economically apt : The closer you look at the much-hyped technology 's price advantages , the fuzzier they seem .


  16. He has also advocated an engineering approach to Economics : rather than simply proving that something can or cannot be done , his ideas on matching ask fuzzier questions such as " will this work in most cases ? "


  17. What the organizational psychologists , of Northwestern University and Harvard Business School , respectively , found is that recalling unsavory actions causes " psychological discomfort , " so people have fuzzier memories of the bad things they 've done .


  18. These two memory systems are also thought to differ in the level of detail they provide : working memory provides sharp detail about the few things we are presently thinking about , whereas long-term memory provides a much fuzzier picture about lots of different things we have seen or experienced .
