
  • adv.无果而终;徒劳地,无益地



  • 1
    ADJ-GRADED 无结果的;无成效的;徒劳的
    Fruitless actions, events, or efforts do not achieve anything at all.

    It was a fruitless search...


  • Four years of negotiation ended fruitlessly last December.

    历时4 年的谈判在去年 12 月无果而终。


in an unproductive manner
Synonym: unproductively unprofitably


  1. Plodded through the shadows fruitlessly like an ubiquitous spook ( Joseph Heller )


  2. Her niece had been searching fruitlessly for her every day since March12th .


  3. The donkey became extremely angry this time , and tried hard to kick the tiger but fruitlessly .


  4. He spent years fruitlessly lobbying Congress to change a 1909 royalties law , which requires radio broadcasters to pay composers but not performers .


  5. The push for garbage classification has advanced sluggishly and mostly fruitlessly in much of China , but Beijing is adopting an innovative way to try and encourage the practice in the capital .


  6. This article argues that the debate on the relationship between theory and practice in education is a fruitlessly false proposition , which just repeats the work of philosophy but isn 't conscious of the real meaning of this debate .


  7. Rabbit has fruitlessly revolted against the alienated situation where he is , to remain true to the self and restore his social ties and self-integrity , but all his efforts prove futile and useless eventually .


  8. In Maastricht Pact signed in 1992 , the European Community put forward the Common Foreign and Security Policy ( CFSP ) formally . Nevertheless , in practice , this policy have been acting fruitlessly and meeting with a lot of obstruction .


  9. There is no magic formula ( as people have fruitlessly tried to develop them ) because " value " itself is not the type of thing you can nail down . It is deliberately ethereal in nature , and it can change from one day to the next .


  10. Obviously , this is even less likely to be the case , if you studied for love and not for money or a clear career path . But does that mean that you 're doomed to wander the job market , searching fruitlessly for a good-paying job that you 'll actually enjoy ?
