front runner

美 [ˌfrʌnt ˈrʌnər]英 [ˌfrʌnt ˈrʌnə(r)]
  • n.(赛跑或竞赛中)最可能获胜者,领先者
front runnerfront runner


a person, an animal or an organization that seems most likely to win a race or competition

  1. A candidate in any election or nomination process who is considered most popular or most likely to win is called the front runner .


  2. Several recent polls show Obama leading Hillary Clinton by a double-digit margin less than a week after the one-time front runner came in a disappointing third in the Iowa caucuses .


  3. His appointment is a complete surprise — he has never been mentioned as a front runner


  4. Against : Strong in many categories , but without quite managing to be a front runner in any .


  5. Best chances : Dafoe is probably the current front runner for best supporting actor .


  6. Christopher Nolan 's World War II feature is probably just about the front runner for best film .


  7. Many republican voters remain uncertain . Romney is the front runner but not a dominated candidate .


  8. Olivia Wilde should be a front runner because she fit the role of an action starlet perfectly .


  9. Another interesting statistic is related to the average connection speed , South Korea being the front runner at15 Mbps , 10 times the global average


  10. The press found out some juicy secrets about the front runner and made them public . So the urgent affairs strengthen the construction of news professional morality .


  11. The top dog rallied from third place as a sudden storm blew the front runner out of competition . This is Dallas ' second race win .


  12. Analysts say Poroshenko 's front runner status is a sign that voter of Ukraine want a moderate leader someone who can work both with Europe and with Russia .


  13. The narrow front runner is Socialist Party challenger Francois Hollande , although President Sarkozy is closing the gap . Mr. Hollande wants to raise taxes on the wealthy and invest education , research and employment as a way to grow the economy .


  14. We simulated not only the pressure fluctuation in front of the runner , but also the unsteady vortex in the draft tube by means of the unsteady flow computation in an entire model turbine . Thus , the realistic hydraulic unsteady phenomena occurring in the turbine was predicted .


  15. During the last half minute of the race , Dick snot out in front of the other runner .
