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美 [ˈfendɪŋ]英 [ˈfendɪŋ]
  • v.照料,照顾(自己)
  • fend的现在分词



  • 1
    VERB 照料,照顾(自己)
    If you have to fend for yourself, you have to look after yourself without relying on help from anyone else.

    The woman and her young baby had been thrown out and left to fend for themselves.


  • 2
    PHRASAL VERB 挡开,避开(问题或人)
    If you fend off unwanted questions, problems, or people, you stop them from affecting you or defend yourself from them, but often only for a short time and without dealing with them completely.

    He looked relaxed and determined as he fended off questions from the world's Press...


  • 3
    PHRASAL VERB 挡住,抵挡(攻击)
    If you fend off someone who is attacking you, you use your arms or something such as a stick to defend yourself from their blows.

    He raised his hand to fend off the blow.


  1. He had thus far succeeded in fending off my conversational sallies .


  2. He is always spending his time fending with the neighbors .


  3. The impact from financial crisis to Beijing 's commercial and suggestion for fending off the crisis


  4. Politicians are very good at fending off awkward questions .


  5. Fifth , it is to build safeguarding system and enhance the competence in fending off the risk .


  6. The Collision of Ship-Bridge Pier and It 's Fending Calculation


  7. The man quickly jumps out of the pool leaving the woman fending off the huge reptile alone .


  8. Animals kept on small farms also produce benefits , such as fending off predators and pests and fertilizing soil .


  9. Oh , she 's here somewhere , fending off admirers .


  10. China 's foreign exchange reserve rose from US $ 139.9 Billion , which played an important role in fending off the impact of international financial crises


  11. Objective To explore percutaneous implantation of drug infusion system to bronchial artery or fending system artery for advanced lung cancer infusion arterial chemotherapy .


  12. But he was bad at growing and managing that business , fending off competitors , and adapting to a fast changing landscape .


  13. How much of its output should a society wish to devote to fending off once in 50 or 100-year crises ?


  14. As soon as you feel that crazy sense of walking on eggshells , fending off narcissistic rage , stop .


  15. By lending their navies to rulers fending off invaders , they won special privileges to trade without paying tariffs .


  16. Nutrients like potassium , calcium , protein and fiber are crucial to fending off or fighting high blood pressure . You don 't have to track each one , though .


  17. The team is also fending off the ravenous English tabloids , hungering for whatever Beckham tidbit they can find .


  18. He said that compared to people in developed countries , Chinese are more prone to invest in real estate , regarding it as a deposit of wealth fending off inflation .


  19. He moves slowly and deftly , charmingly fending off a fan keen to tell him about the time she saw him playing tennis .


  20. The first annual innovation monitor by the EEF manufacturing organisation showed manufacturers were fending off competition from lower cost competitors with innovations designed to better meet customers ' needs .


  21. Meanwhile Bayer is fending off another competitor , Cipla , which has sold generic Nexavar in India for years .


  22. Far from undermining the department 's position , the freedoms unleashed by the market economy have made personnel control more essential than ever in fending off rivals for power .


  23. Wal-Mart , the US retail giant known for fending off organised labour in its home market , has completed collective bargaining agreements with unions in two Chinese cities .


  24. The king of Pop was also the king of profligacy , spending his final years fending off creditors in spite of prodigious earnings over four decades .


  25. In the election McCarthy GOP members in the house choosing the speaker John Boehner fending off that challenge from the party 's more conservative wing .


  26. Touchscreen power-ups will let players interact with zombies directly , instead of just fending them off by setting up defenses like pea shooters .


  27. As a young , domestic entity , Taobao was taking on a huge rival while also fending off many similar small competitors in the sector , where barriers to entry were low .


  28. Fending off Tencent and Baidu


  29. The utility model can be used for building and rebuilding top emersed strobes , in particular to tide fending and salty water sluice gate , and the investment is small .


  30. The same hormones that boost your body 's supply of available energy in fending off an impending threat also tell your brain that you need to replenish that energy once it 's used up .
