
美 [ˈfræŋkɪŋ]英 [ˈfræŋkɪŋ]
  • v.(在信件上)盖邮资已付印记,盖免付邮资印记
  • n.邮资;打印标记;(Franking)人名;(瑞典)弗兰金
  • frank的现在分词



  • 1
    ADJ-GRADED 坦白的;直率的;坦诚的
    If someone is frank, they state or express things in an open and honest way.

    'It is clear that my client has been less than frank with me,' said his lawyer...


  • You can talk frankly to me...


  • The reaction to his frankness was hostile.


  • 4
    VERB (在信封或邮包上)盖邮资已付戳记,盖免费邮戳
    When a letter or parcel is franked, it is marked with a symbol that shows that the proper charge has been paid or that no stamp is needed.

    The letter was franked in London on August 6.

    这封信 8 月 6 日在伦敦盖过免费邮戳。

  • 5
    PHRASE (尤用于观点可能令人不悦时)老实讲,坦白说
    You can say 'to be frank' or 'to be frank with you' to introduce a statement which is your honest opinion, especially when the person you are talking to might not like it.

    To be frank, he could also be a bit of a bore...


  1. Fees shall be paid by means of adhesive stamps or by franking the relevant document .


  2. Franking machine is a widely used automated stamping equipment . It improves the efficiency of the postal sectors greatly .


  3. All of them contained microsatellites and two corresponding franking sequences , which were long enough to be used for primer design .


  4. In1986 , it limited its franking budget to half the total appropriation for both chambers .


  5. Postage stamp canceling machine for office use ( excl. postage franking machines ) operate , set up a machine-gun


  6. You can develop a list on both a straight dividend yield basis and a grossed-up dividend yield basis ; the latter takes account of franking credits .


  7. But she 's clearly running a commercial venture here : she 's distributing freshly recycled stamps around the world and , quite frankly , she 's committing franking fraud .
