首页 / 词典 / good


美 [ˈfɔːrmɪŋ]英 [ˈfɔːmɪŋ]
  • v.(使)形成;(使)出现,产生;(使)成形,组成;制作
  • form的现在分词



  • 1
    N-COUNT 类型;类别;种类
    A form of something is a type or kind of it.

    He contracted a rare form of cancer...


  • 2
    N-COUNT (存在的)形态,形式
    When something can exist or happen in several possible ways, you can use form to refer to one particular way in which it exists or happens.

    Valleys often take the form of deep canyons...


  • 3
    V-ERG 形成;(使)排列成;组成…形状
    When a particular shape forms or is formed, people or things move or are arranged so that this shape is made.

    A queue forms outside Peter's study...


  • 4
    N-COUNT 形状;外形
    The form of something is its shape.

    ...the form of the body.


  • 5
    N-COUNT 轮廓;外形
    You can refer to something that you can see as a form if you cannot see it clearly, or if its outline is the clearest or most striking aspect of it.

    She thought she'd never been so glad to see his bulky form.


  • 6
    VERB 形成;变成
    If something is arranged or changed so that it becomes similar to a thing with a particular structure or function, you can say that it forms that thing.

    These panels folded up to form a screen some five feet tall...

    这些嵌板折起来组成了一个约 5 英尺高的屏风。

  • 7
    VERB 构成;是…的组成部分
    If something consists of particular things, people, or features, you can say that they form that thing.

    ...the articles that formed the basis of Randolph's book...


  • 8
    VERB 组建;组成;建立
    If you form an organization, group, or company, you start it.

    They tried to form a study group on human rights...


  • 9
    V-ERG 存在;(使)形成
    When something natural forms or is formed, it begins to exist and develop.

    The stars must have formed 10 to 15 billion years ago...

    这些恒星一定是形成于 100 到 150 亿年前。

  • 10
    V-ERG (使)(关系、习惯或想法)形成;(使)产生
    If you form a relationship, a habit, or an idea, or if it forms, it begins to exist and develop.

    This should help him form lasting relationships...


  • 11
    VERB 陶冶;培养;培育
    If you say that something forms a person's character or personality, you mean that it has a strong influence on them and causes them to develop in a particular way.

    Anger at injustice formed his character.


  • 12
    N-UNCOUNT (运动员或参赛动物的)竞技状态,表现状态
    In sport, form refers to the ability or success of a person or animal over a period of time.

    His form this season has been brilliant...


  • 13
    N-COUNT 表格
    A form is a paper with questions on it and spaces marked where you should write the answers. Forms usually ask you to give details about yourself, for example when you are applying for a job or joining an organization.

    You will be asked to fill in a form with details of your birth and occupation.


  • 14
    PHRASE 讨厌的行为;不礼貌的行为
    If you say that it is bad form to behave in a particular way, you mean that it is rude and impolite.

    It was thought bad form to discuss business on social occasions.


  • 15
    PHRASE 身体健康;情况良好;心情愉悦
    If you say that someone is in good form, you mean that they seem healthy and cheerful.

  • 16
    PHRASE 状态不好;表现失常
    If you say that someone is off form, you think they are not performing as well as they usually do.

  • 17
    PHRASE 状态良好;表现出色;发挥正常
    If you say that someone is on form, you think that they are performing their usual activity very well.

    Robert Redford is back on form in his new movie 'Sneakers'.


  • 18
    PHRASE 成形
    When something takes form, it develops or begins to be visible.

    As plans took form in her mind, she realized the need for an accomplice...


  • 19
    PHRASE 一如既往;和平常一样
    If someone or something behaves true to form, they do what is expected and is typical of them.

    Before the train had left the outskirts of London he behaved true to form and began a conversation...


  1. With rainbows forming in the splashing water around you and the sound of huge drops of water bouncing off your body and face .


  2. Common ground appears to be forming in time biology as well .


  3. In her body a new life was taking form .


  4. This article will form the basis for our discussion .


  5. First get students to form groups of four .


  6. All you need to do is complete this form .


  7. The two groups have merged to form a new party .


  8. The human form has changed little over the last 30 000 years .


  9. They hope to form the new government .


  10. This design aims for harmony of form and function .


  11. We need to come to some form of agreement .


  12. Our next class will take the form of a debate .


  13. In a novel form and content are equally important .


  14. Is there a place on the form to put your address ?


  15. This journal is available in paper and electronic form .


  16. The short story is a difficult art form to master .


  17. Much of the form was not applicable to me .


  18. Several of the men were detailed to form a search party .


  19. What 's the form when you apply for a research grant ?


  20. These paintings will form the nucleus of a new collection .


  21. This dictionary is also available in electronic form .


  22. Positive and negative experiences form a child 's character .


  23. How can we display this data in a usable form ?


  24. A number of colleges have amalgamated to form the new university .


  25. Sign your name on the form where I 've put a cross .


  26. She has elevated the dinner party into an art form .


  27. Most political questions involve morality in some form or other .


  28. Do you know how to form the past tense ?


  29. The whole team was on good form and deserved the win .


  30. The subjects of the curriculum form a coherent whole .
