
美 [floʊˈteɪʃənz]英 [fləʊˈteɪʃənz]
  • n.漂浮;浮;(公司的)发行股份
  • flotation的复数



  • 1
    N-VAR (公司的)股票发行,上市
    The flotation of a company is the selling of shares in it to the public.

  • 2
    ADJ (舱室)有浮力的,漂浮的
    A flotation compartment helps something to float because it is filled with air or gas.

  1. Flotations of insurance brokers in Asia Pacific are rare .


  2. Such jitters caused several green-energy firms to cancel planned flotations .


  3. However , interest in flotations has risen in recent months , triggered by the sharp stock market rally that began in March .


  4. Although flotations and cross-border mergers involving Chinese companies have been good to many firms , the mass rush into China has led to competition on prices .


  5. Although investigative work for flotations declined precipitously , the London office was able to provide other clients for the fledgling agency .


  6. As most exchanges functioned as practical monopolies , the flotations have triggered a huge one-off increase in profitability .


  7. The flotations boom has also generated much ancillary work , since many of the big city brokers lack the resources to handle the sizeable pipeline of companies coming to the market .


  8. At the beginning of 2009 , things were not looking promising for initial public offerings from Chinese companies , not least because regulators had stopped approving flotations on mainland stock exchanges .


  9. There is some good news for those who want to friend Facebook : exclude IPOs with turnover below $ 50m and new flotations pace similarly-sized existing listings .


  10. Mr Abbott insisted the exchange planned to remain independent and member-owned , in spite of the wave of consolidation and flotations that is sweeping through the exchange world .


  11. A vigorous pipeline of IPOs is a sure sign of a healthy and expanding economy , and successful flotations create a positive feedback loop that stimulates entrepreneurship , jobs and invention .


  12. This theme of forced sales in 2013 could be good news for those looking to invest in European IPOs , as non-discretionary flotations are often priced more conservatively to ensure success .


  13. About $ 200m of the disposed assets were pre-IPO investments Lehman had made in Chinese companies ahead of planned stock market flotations , which then failed to materialise because of the financial crisis .


  14. Following on from the technical glitches that marred the flotations of Facebook and BATS Global Markets this year , comes Wednesday 's erroneous trading in 148 shares listed on the New York Stock Exchange .


  15. Shares in China Construction Bank rose by a less-than-expected 32 per cent on their first day of trading on the Shanghai market yesterday , indicating that the burst of recent flotations may be starting to damp investor demand .


  16. Steven Sun , HSBC China equity strategist , says there are still billions of non-tradable shares locked up from earlier flotations that will be released on to the market in the second half of this year .


  17. They expect a pick-up in IPO activity next year , arguing that rising share prices , low volatility in equity markets , and brighter economic prospects will spur a recovery in flotations , especially in the second half .


  18. Planned initial public offerings worth more than $ 21bn have been pulled from the global market in the first two months of the year , a figure almost double the amount raised through successful flotations , new data will show today .


  19. After stabilizing treatment of four kinds of inorganic pharmacies , three kinds of organic acid ( salt ) pharmacies , and two kinds of thiol flotations , there is no significant change in the phase composition of chromium slag .


  20. The test has proven that the single flotation process including rough and cleaner flotations is effective on the recovery of niobium niobium minerals using the reagent as collector , and the grade and the recovery of niobium concentrate are satisfactory .


  21. Companies raised $ 91bn in Europe , accounting for about 38 per cent of the funds raised through flotations worldwide , up slightly from last year and marking the highest share since 2000 when the figure was 45 per cent of the market .
