
美 [ˈflæʃˌpɔɪnts]英 [ˈflæʃpɔɪnts]
  • n.(暴力或愤怒的)一触即发,危机即将爆发的地点
  • flashpoint的复数
  1. There are still plenty of potential flashpoints in relations between the two countries .


  2. The more serious flashpoints are outside the capital


  3. The speed with which this relationship has developed has meant that most potential flashpoints are only emerging now .


  4. Several potential flashpoints remain .


  5. Covering an area of3.5 million Square Kilometers , the South China Sea is becoming one of Asia 's most dangerous flashpoints for conflict .


  6. Low-level exchange rate hostilities with occasional flashpoints have dominated what have become known over the past 18 months as the international " currency wars " .


  7. So far , it 's all been quite civil , but one of the flashpoints of discontent around the country , especially in the last two years , is about to recur .


  8. Japan and China cannot continue their stand-off , he argues , if only because of the pressing need to resolve the North Korean nuclear crisis , one of several dangerous regional flashpoints .


  9. The process and how it is conducted will be critical for Sudan , Ivory Coast , and Burundi , to name three potential flashpoints in sub-Saharan Africa where there is much more at stake than results .


  10. Humanity is always in need of peace , but now more than ever , after the tragic events which have undermined its confidence and in the face of persistent flashpoints of cruel conflict which create anxiety throughout the world .


  11. Separately , flashpoints are emerging within some states and municipalities ; as pension liabilities explode , this is prompting state lawyers to take the once-taboo step of exploring how to wriggle out of those pension commitments .
