floor to ceiling

美 [flɔːr tu ˈsiːlɪŋ]英 [flɔː(r) tu ˈsiːlɪŋ]
  • 从地板到天花板
floor to ceilingfloor to ceiling
  1. The shelves of the library run from floor to ceiling .


  2. New homes need fitting out from floor to ceiling , a job that only professionals can do .


  3. The study was lined from floor to ceiling on every wall with bookcases .


  4. Now , the 50-year-old has about 20000 toys packed from floor to ceiling in his home and holds a Guinness World Record from 2014 , when his collection reached more than 10000 items .


  5. from floor to ceiling , every part was decorated .


  6. People packed the hall from floor to ceiling , a capacity audience .


  7. We no longer need to replicate IBM from floor to ceiling in every country .


  8. They went from floor to ceiling .


  9. From floor to ceiling , every room creates a fresh take on modern luxury and Hawaiian sophistication .


  10. From wall to wall and floor to ceiling , it is crammed with vast rolls of paper .


  11. Floor to Ceiling Height


  12. Line from floor to ceiling , with smiling fathers , daughters , brothers , nieces , family .


  13. Sits in Seattle , USA , the house is covered from floor to ceiling in colourful gum .


  14. The bedroom windows are floor to ceiling and Manhattan looms below like a vertiginous black-and-white movie .


  15. Embassy Gardens takes design inspiration from the Meatpacking District of New York with floor to ceiling windows and brick facades .


  16. She told us what we needed to do , and we proceeded to clean the house from floor to ceiling and clean up the yard as well .


  17. Try rooms with high tables where everyone has to stand and the walls are floor to ceiling whiteboard . This arrangement will prompt presence and participation .


  18. With all-glass windows from floor to ceiling , sitting five metres below the surface of the Indian Ocean , this is the world 's first underwater restaurant .


  19. He built the throne hall , the Hall of Justice , where he was to judge , and he covered it with cedar from floor to ceiling .


  20. The first thing a visitor sees at the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum is a large blowup of the towering cloud . It stretches floor to ceiling .


  21. Filled with books from floor to ceiling ( and a few overflowing outside ) , the cozy store is set in a 17th-century building that once housed a monastery .


  22. She hired a paperhanger to paper them in white from floor to ceiling , then asked Mr. Feng to write some " happiness " characters and pasted these on the walls .


  23. He partitioned off twenty cubits at the rear of the temple with cedar boards from floor to ceiling to form within the temple an inner sanctuary , the Most Holy Place .


  24. Landing second place in Tripadvisor 's'World 's Germiest Attractions'rundown , the50-foot long Pike Place Market wall in Seattle , USA , is covered from floor to ceiling in colourful gum .


  25. A stack of correspondence has been moved from the sofa on to the bed in anticipation of my visit but otherwise the sitting room , bedroom and kitchen are crammed from floor to ceiling with letters , books and files . Even the stove is piled high with papers .


  26. You 've hung international flags from the floor to the ceiling .
