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  1. FireEye says it has " high confidence " that Russian agents are behind the project .


  2. FireEye said it is collaborating with Apple to address the issue .


  3. An Apple spokeswoman declined to comment on FireEye 's claim .


  4. FireEye said it suspected the attack was state-sponsored .


  5. And fireeye ( feye ) , a network-security company , raised $ 304 million last month .


  6. Even as Apple released the fixes , security firm FireEye said it has discovered a way that a hacker could monitor activity on Apple 's mobile software .


  7. The company wants to go head-to-head with competition like FireEye by briefing companies on threats , analyzing networks for shady activities and detecting breaches .


  8. In 2014 , the average so-called " advanced persistent threat " attack lasted 205 days before being detected , according to the digital security vendor FireEye .


  9. Grady Summers , the chief technology officer of Mandiant 's parent company , FireEye , said the findings were " very concerning . "


  10. It suggested the hacks were linked to an attack last week on cybersecurity firm FireEye , which claimed attackers stole tools used to test customers ' computer systems .


  11. A new report from the cyber security firm FireEye released on Wednesday identifies the new malware for the first time publicly , which it has nicknamed " Hammertoss . "


  12. Chinese hackers have also been credited with discovering vulnerabilities at US-based tech multinationals including Google , Apple and Microsoft , according to FireEye , a cyber security company .


  13. FireEye , a cyber security company , found that organisations in south-east Asia were 80 % more likely than the global average to be hit by an advanced cyber attack .


  14. At the beginning of this year , FireEye ( FEYE ) , for example , bought Mandiant , a cybersecurity firm able to investigate network breaches and track and detail hackers .


  15. FireEye said it has created a proof-of-concept monitoring app for iOS 7 devices that can record whatever a user touches on the screen , similar to the way some programs log keystrokes on a computer .


  16. But Kevin Mandia , chief operating officer of cyber security company FireEye , said companies were right to fear being forced to disclose attacks as some were " crucified " in a " point and blame atmosphere . "


  17. Another four have seen their stock prices more than double : ecommerce platform ChannelAdvisor ( eCom ) , project management software maker Textura ( txtr ) , ad-network Rocketfuel and fireeye .


  18. Meanwhile , FireEye a cyber security group hired for the probe in Dhaka , said that it had " observed activity in other financial services organisations that islikely by the same threat actor behind the cyber attack on Bangladesh Bank . "


  19. FireEye FEYE - 0.81 % , the current poster-child of public cybersecurity pure plays is currently valued at $ 5.2 billion , down from $ 13 billion in March , with only $ 207 million in annual revenues .


  20. Companies such as Palo Alto Networks , one of last year 's hottest tech initial public offerings , and FireEye , tipped to follow it , specialise in appliances that sit at the gateway to corporate or government networks , looking out for such threats .
