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  • abbr.禁止化学武器;统一薪金委员会(Central Wages Board);将…前的字更正为(Correct Word Before)
  1. High performance electronic lead free solder CWB & 07 series were developed .


  2. Theoretical research and management practice has paid great attention to counterproductive work behavior ( CWB ) .


  3. Why are the planned slip roads of CWB important ?


  4. You can see the clouds status for the past half or one hour depend on CWB support .


  5. The functionality listed for the CWB plug-ins reflects all functionality provided .


  6. Organizational justice partially mediates the relationship between team conflict and CWB . 5 .


  7. An Empirical Study on the Bias of Warrants Price in Our Country & In an Example of CWB


  8. As an important management tool , performance appraisal maybe has an " add fuel to the fire " on CWB .


  9. First , CWB can be solved by P-O Fit .


  10. Production deviance is an important category of counterproductive workplace behaviors ( CWB ) .


  11. The paper reviewed and analyzed some important issues about CWB , including its conceptual structure , antecedents and the appraisal sources .


  12. Through reviewing the literature , this paper summarizes and analyzes CWB 's potential negative and positive influence from the perspective of organization and individual respectively .


  13. S.systems already in place , the cable system was approved two years ago and installation should begin next week , according to a CWB spokesperson .


  14. The amount of compensations in accordance with the preceding paragraph shall be decided upon a negotiation between the CWB and the property owner .


  15. In recent years , counterproductive work behavior ( CWB ) was so prevalent in workplace , and becoming a serious problem to resolve for the modern organizations .


  16. The CWB RCP ( standalone ) version is a total of25 MB total in size , since an Eclipse installation is not required .


  17. We get several conclusions based on theory analysis and emprical test on 475 validly samples . ( 1 ) Fairness perceptions in performance appraisal have significant effects on CWB .


  18. The CWB is built on top of a subset of the WTP set of plug-ins and obtains most of its base functionality from them .


  19. The CWB does not use all of the WTP plug-ins , but instead uses some of the data tool plug-ins , and adds functionality by providing additional plug-ins .


  20. Counterproductive behavior ( CWB ) is prevalent among all types of organizations . It is highly destructive and has become the important issue of concern for the academic circus and business sectors .


  21. The ship , in compliance with the preceding paragraph , navigating within the exclusive economic and fishery zone shall transmit its meteorological observation data in a timely manner to the cwb .


  22. The Canadian Welding Bureau ( CWB ), a Division of the CWB Group , is accredited by the Standards Council of Canada ( SCC ) as a Certification Body .


  23. Interactional fairness perception in performance appraisal has greatest effect on CWB , then distributive fairness , and procedural fairness at last . ( 2 ) CWB motivations have significant effects on CWB .


  24. The moderating role of psychological capital between team conflict and CWB is not significant , but self-efficacy and optimism paly a role in moderating the effects of team conflict with CWB , but hope and resilience are not significant .


  25. Counterproductive work behavior ( CWB ) can be seen everywhere in the workplace , such as sabotage , absenteeism , sabotage , etc. , these negative work behaviors have caused great damage to the interests of the organization and employees , seriously hindered the normal operation of the organization .
