The firebrand ideology once attached to the new Latin American left is also in retreat .
He is represent by the media as a dangerous firebrand
He had , after all , a record as something of a firebrand .
He then went about his evening prayers , took out his idol , and removed the paper firebrand .
No one who knows him dare employ him , for he is a regular firebrand of discontent .
I was stupid ; I became vicious : I was a block of wood ; I became a firebrand .
The young firebrand does appear to be doing a bit to restrain his more out-of-control followers .
Firebrand : a person who stirs up trouble or kindles a revolt .
She has not hitherto been regarded by Washington insiders as a real firebrand , or heavy hitter .
He is represented by the media as a dangerous firebrand . There will be a fuss when the media get hold of the story .
Katzman adds that the softer tone of Iran 's firebrand president reflects a wider debate in Iranian power circles .
A Research of Festival Tourism of a Nation Based on Tourists ' Expectation and Perception & Taking the Firebrand Festival of the Yi Ethnic Group of Liangshan as an Example
Rooney 's uncharacteristcally quiet display against Barcelona meant a sour ending to an impressive club season for the firebrand striker .
Fishman points out that bin Laden was a charismatic firebrand whose videos were compelling to his followers , full of rhetorical and poetic flourishes .
While promoting " Yeezus " ( 2013 ) , his most recent album , cultural firebrand Kanye West , 38 , declared rap the " new rock and roll . "
Indeed , if you ignore the peculiar dynastic legacy and highly privileged life , he looks almost normal , more akin to an avuncular family doctor than firebrand .
The only time things seemed to really change on this front was Obama 's speech on race in response to the accusations of his support for the firebrand pastor , Jeremiah Wright .
Mr. Cooper said Mr. Lange was also a firebrand who stood up to pharmaceutical companies , governments and universities in his quest to treat HIV / AIDS in low income communities across Europe and Africa .
Western leaders expressed dismay at the disputed results that awarded a landslide victory to the firebrand incumbent , with Joe Biden , the US vice-president , saying there was real doubt about them .
Some Shia politicians , including Muqtada al-Sadr , a young cleric with a strong following who was long branded a dangerous firebrand , have even voiced sympathy with Sunni demands .
In Hamilton , he saw a figure he recognized : a word-drunk firebrand with untrammeled ambition , raw talent , an outsize ego and a lust for combat , verbal and otherwise .
First , I want clothes that are soothing , calming , that give the impression of sanity and the most moderate kind of adulthood ; that say : I am not a firebrand attacking your core beliefs .
Calderoli , a firebrand leader of the populist Northern League party , told La Stampa daily earlier this week he had the experience needed to look after the wolf cubs and had previously kept a tiger .
Darren Cohen , then head of principal strategic investments at Goldman Sachs and who helped spark the merger t ê te - à - t ê tes , has been a firebrand within the consortium of investing companies .
I have overthrown some of you , as God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah , and ye were as a firebrand plucked out of the burning : yet have ye not returned unto me , saith the LORD .
The petition rebuts the notion that Ms. Baloch was the country 's Kim Kardashian : " She was our Qandeel : a working-class woman , a Third World feminist , a disrupter and a firebrand who dared to do as she pleased , despite threats to her life . "