field questions
- 回答问题

Bill Sanders , leader of Team Yao was also there to field questions .
This method is suitable for various axisymmetric varying temperature field questions in engineering .
Coordinate the Design Institute to answer field questions and resolve construction issues . High-rise Building Structural Design
You always have to field questions on how to speed up a process and why it is taking it so long to finish .
If students are researching a famous historical figure , have them role play that person and field questions from their classmates .
About 85 % of high-school students attend college in South Korea . When they get there , they quietly take notes from professors , who rarely field questions or seek input .
In another sign of the company 's implicit approval of the biography , the writers will discuss the book and field questions about it on Thursday at the Apple store in SoHo .
On Wednesday , the writer and divorced mom addressed the experience of having to field questions about why she 's still not dating anyone & and why she actually relishes the time she has to herself .
The president has to field many questions from the re-porters .
They will tell you how much skill and experience it takes to field countless questions and handle a welter of diverse personalities every hour of the day .
As commissioner of the Metropolitan Police , he was having to field difficult questions about his force 's failure to uncover the true extent of wrongdoing at the News of the World .
Indeed the only time that directors are really put on the spot is when they get hauled before the regulator or a select committee , where there is no finance director to field tough questions , and where bluster doesn 't work .
Alex James a Program Manager on the Data Services Team provides a series of articles , in an attempt to field authentication related questions .
To reveal the state of biomechanics in sports medicine and elucidate the direction of development in this field and the questions we are facing .
In the same times , the degradation and residue of chlorpyrifos in rice field , the questions on the application research and the ecosystem evaluation were discussed .
The senator had to field some tricky questions from reporters . Why are we brought here to answer such nonsense as this ?
You enjoy helping others in your field , answering questions , and building knowledge and consensus . ( Try creating a general , or entry-level , public group , which anyone can join . )
The development and application of magnetic field sensors and some questions on it 's industrialization is briefly reviewed .
Based on analysis of funds restriction for students ' field practice of geography specialty teaching , the article deeply analyzes the significance of geography specialty teaching , points out problems faced , and puts forward imaginations for field practice base and questions considered .
Fully making use of the magnetic field of the electromagnetic inductor , discussing the influence of materials of roller shell to the magnetic flux density of roll-casting zone and choosing material of roller shells which is more helpful to intensify magnetic field are immediate questions to be solved .