Specific performance as follows : First , the fief type diversification .
The first chapter describes the first reclamation and the development of the fief system in Frank .
Looking at the target and thinking of the ten thousand liangs of gold and the one thousand fiefs , Hou Yi found it hard to calm himself with surging2 thoughts and emotions . The target ordinarily would be nothing difficult for him . But now it seemed so far away for him .
You collect taxes from all fiefs by visiting just one .
Feudal knights are given land , fiefs , in return for military service .
Ms Rodin decided that the separate fiefs had to go .
You 'll probably receive a larger fief .
The fiefs of Mongolia were the special districts which enjoyed a series of military , political and economical liberties .
The third segment is about influence of reclamation , which promotes the development of the fief system and the foundation of formation of the feudal system .
The term feudalism is defined by three principle terms : They are lords , vassals , and fiefs .
If city-dwellers plump for elected mayors , they will have large fiefs .
And in the Yuan Dynasty , it was the fief of Genghis Khan 's descendants .
As a fief of the main supporters of the " believers ", not including retainers , including their own supporters .
At some point you 'll have proved yourself and you will be knighted , and then after some more time , a fief .
If the fight drags on , Syria will degenerate into a patchwork of warring fiefs .
Bern 's people , many of whom they saw working in the fields , were all freemen and it was a happy and prosperous fief .
In the forming of capitalism , the well-to-do peasant has undergone an evolution from the peasant under a system of Fief to the capitalist farmer .
Who was the first monarch of Lu fief ? Zhou Gong Dan or his son Bo Qin ? I broke the seal and read .
These include arrogance bred of dominance of a particular area mainframe computers at IBM , personal computers at Microsoft and internal fiefs that hamper swift change .
And if instead of creating elected police commissioners , the government gave the mayors oversight over the police , the problem of overlapping fiefs would not arise .
The city site of the eastern Qi lies at Qicheng village in Puyang and it was the fief of the Sun clan in Wei state .
Redistribution in FIFA 's fief is called " development " spending , intended mainly to improve facilities and coaching in poor countries , which amounted to $ 794m in 2007-10 .
Granted fiefs without geographical restrictions , both " ji nei " noble fiefs , there is also located in the side with a military purpose fief .
The medieval military indenture in England is one of the feudal military services , it evolves from the Chivalry which is based on fief and money fief .
When the Emperor Taizong of the Yuan dynasty ascended the throne , he established three Han marquises with fiefs of10,000 families to govern the Han army .
These fiefs were big or small , some in Jinei - the central region , others distrbuted throughout the whole country , mingled with the established states , as consolidated the royal power directly .
As his fief was near seashore , sea salt was easy to be obtained . Liu Bi applied population-in-exile and slaves to boil sea water for making salt and paid them lower commission .
On the basis of the Western Zhou Dynasty arise to many new types , and broke the seal granted rules , seal granted a fief random tendency ; Second , the city with the new form of the changes .
J é r ô me Choblet , Le Fief Gu é rin Vieilles Vignes Sur Lie 2012 Muscadet-C ô tes de Grandlieu
Based on the successful practice on the fief f balance of heavy rotors of low speed electric machines ed in ships , this paper present the relevant practicing process and experience of field balancing approach of this kind of rotors .