
  • 网络转码
  1. We 're going to use this to display the output of the FFMPEG command .


  2. You can build applications that interface with FFmpeg .


  3. If there 's one tool that badly needs a GUI it 's FFMPEG .


  4. Convert runs FFmpeg on the files in a shell / command window .


  5. FFmpeg shows how many seconds have passed before it completes its run on the current file .


  6. However , you may want to capture the full FFmpeg syntax for use in scripts or other batch functions .


  7. FFMPEG is an incredible command-line application that can convert video and movie files from one format to another .


  8. WinFF is a GUI front end for the command-line video converter FFmpeg .


  9. But for our FFMPEG example , we 're going to try and keep things as open and modifiable as possible .


  10. Each radio button also needs to have its label changed to reflect the device that the FFMPEG output would be appropriate for .


  11. Now we come to the most interesting part & the Preset Command Line , which shows FFmpeg parameters for the preset .


  12. WinFF helps generate the correct FFmpeg command line , which can be complex with all of the various options .


  13. This should mean that the user doesn 't have to see the mess of FFMPEG output unless they switch tabs .


  14. After you read an online FFmpeg documentation ( see Resources ), you may want to change the values and syntax of the parameters in the command line .


  15. The FFmpeg command line depends on two libraries libavformat and libavcodec to provide support for many codecs and file formats .


  16. But the main section of the user-interface is going to be taken up by the FFMPEG options we 'll choose to make user editable .


  17. We 're going to use one tab to hold the main parameters we want to expose , and the other to hold the raw command output from FFMPEG .


  18. We 'll need some way of selecting between the end formats of the conversion process , and we 'll also need some way of showing the results of the FFMPEG command .


  19. Use the existing preset command line to learn the basics of FFmpeg for a particular A / V file and build upon them to improve the quality of the file .


  20. We 're going to build our own FFMPEG GUI , but the reason for this tutorial isn 't so much helping people access the wonders of FFMPEG .


  21. There 's no way we want to expose the average user to the hundreds of options that make up FFMPEG , so these will reflect the most common , simple options for each use .


  22. FFmpeg forces the FLV extension as the file format , sets the frame rate of29.97 frames per second ( fps ), overriding the default of25 , and sets a frame size of320x240 for a VGA screen .
