feel pride
- 感到骄傲(或有尊严、得意)

They agreed that many other colonial powers had been worse but nothing would persuade them to feel pride in the British past .
Anyway , 90 seconds is enough to feel pride of authorship .
Some feel pride when they receive the news , while other worry , wondering whether they will be a good father .
The small stand devoted to the away support was entirely full and many Zainichi were able to feel pride for North Korea in a manner which they rarely can .
Reviewing the uncommon and unsmooth development progress of human society , We feel pride for the bright achievements of human society , also feel worried about the hard steps of society progress .
He expected her to be proud of her ability to do everything from her seat in the wheelchair & and was faintly disappointed to see that she would not feel pride at what was , for her , simply a matter of course .
They feel the pride of being Chinese , they sense the opportunity and they want to take part in making history .
They feel the pride , they sense the opportunity and they want to participate in building a better tomorrow .
As parents and grandparents , we feel great pride in seeing our family make their own unique contributions to society .
During the games , there was admittedly a thirst to feel nationalistic pride .
I know that most men in the hour of success and prosperity become exalted in spirit and feel excessive pride and haughtiness .
I don 't feel any pride in the achievements of other nations , don 't see how I could really , considering they 're not my nation .
I want them to know I feel great pride in wearing this shirt and that I will defend it to the very end with humility and honour .
Nyaggah says teachers in Mathare earn an average salary of only $ 40 per month - so the training also helps them to feel more pride in the importance of their profession .
Though her perfection discouraged pleasures , especially the pleasures of love , he had learned in time to feel the pride of a husband in her natural frigidity .
Their method is to help children learn about the purpose and structure of writing . Actors and teachers known as teacher-artists help students write stories . The children feel the pride of ownership in their work and may get to see their story performed .
But I feel I feel pride and gratitude for this wonderful campaign that we built together .
We feel proud and pride !
Each time you finish a task you will feel a sense of pride for a job well done .
Every time I see the Wall , I am stirred by it and feel a sense of pride .
They feel a sense of pride and relief that the bank was sold for a profit and the problems are finally over .
He found it amazing that he should feel a skirl of pride at the sight of her belly .
Unlike Deaf people , we don 't view our hearing loss as the defining condition for our identity , nor feel any sense of pride in the fact that we have difficulty hearing .
I can 't also help to feel a sense of pride by the fact that our global organization now has adopted the UNTIY inspired integration model pioneered here in Asia and executed by you .
While there 's plenty of evidence that man 's best friend experiences primary emotions , such as fear and happiness , there 's little evidence that dogs feel secondary emotions like pride , jealousy and guilt .
When you make an effort to keep your body in good working order , you 'll not only feel better physically , but you 'll also feel a sense of pride .