- 网络外国账户税收遵从法;外国帐户税收遵从法

Foreign governments are generally exempt from the requirements of fatca but lawyers say government-owned banks would not escape from the new rules .
Congress has passed the foreign account tax compliance Act ( fatca ) , which forces foreign financial firms to disclose their American clients .
After all , they mutter , if Washington could produce fatca and then impose it in an imperial manner on businesses across the world what other capricious surprises loom next ?
That , in turn , leaves some non-American financiers fearful , not just about the specific details of fatca , but also about the wider patterns it reveals about Washington policy-making .
The consultancy said its findings suggested that European centres such as Switzerland " suffered from the combined effect " of the eurozone crisis and regulations such as Fatca - the US Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act which is intended to detect and deter tax evasion by US citizens via overseas accounts .