factory farming

美 [ˈfæktri fɑːrmɪŋ]英 [ˈfæktri fɑːmɪŋ]
  • n.工厂化农业;工厂化饲养;工业化养殖
factory farmingfactory farming

factory farming


  • 1
    N-UNCOUNT 工业化养殖;工厂化饲养
    Factory farming is a system of farming which involves keeping animals indoors, often with very little space, and giving them special foods so that they grow more quickly or produce more eggs or milk.

  1. Many people believe factory farming is inhumane .


  2. applying factory farming techniques to sole .


  3. He 's got a bee in his bonnet about factory farming .


  4. Factory farming has turned the cow into a milk machine , producing anything from 25 to 40 litres of milk per day


  5. Using too many resources , I think . Factory farming . Driving .


  6. to take up what 's become known as factory farming .


  7. First Obama talks about factory farming and animal rights as a candidate .


  8. So is so-called swine flu really just another environmental problem associated with factory farming ?


  9. They have launched a campaign against factory farming .


  10. A , the change state and effect of the environmental factor in the ecological system of close factory farming were investigated .


  11. Is factory farming really cheaper ?


  12. Finally , problems in factory farming has done a brief discussion the development prospects of algae-carotene did put forward .


  13. I think that the factory farming of calves for veal is nothing short of murder .


  14. This would encourage demand for local livestock products as opposed to the resource-intensive factory farming that is common in rich countries .


  15. According to such a view , Singh opposes to animal experiments and factory farming methods and approves vegetarianism .


  16. Few observers think China will make a quick move to U.S-style factory farming and throw hundreds of millions of farmers off the land .


  17. Some people support the developments in agriculture such as factory farming and creations of new types of fruits and vegetables , while others oppose this view .


  18. Plant Genetic Engineering is a inexpensive productive system to generate pharmaceutical protein , its name is molecular medicine farming or medicine factory farming and the research view of pharmaceutical protein production .


  19. Celebrated author of Everything is Illuminated and Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close publishes Eating Animals a riveting book based on a three-year investigation of factory farming .


  20. The time was in the early70s , so factory farming was not well-known , was not as dominated as it is today , but it still existed .


  21. If all proceeds as planned , the world 's biggest animal cloning center will open next year in the northeastern Chinese port city of Tianjin , taking factory farming to a new level .


  22. Even better , she took the opportunity to educate her audience on factory farming industry & with help from author Jonathan Safran Foer ( of Eating Animals ) and filmmaker Robert Kenner ( Food , INC. ) .


  23. Modernize a transport system , a factory , farming methods
