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facebook homefacebook home
  1. Facebook home may be one way for Samsung to diversify its lineup .


  2. But a Samsung smartphone with Facebook home might not be a bad idea for either party .


  3. Our point being , the more samsung-made devices pre-loaded Facebook home , the better .


  4. Another HTC phone , the first , was presented as the first Facebook home phone , although home will be dowloadable to other Android phones .


  5. Samsung , which soared on the sheer , plastic backs of many , many different smartphone models , could release multiple Facebook home devices at different price points , with different screen sizes and hardware specifications , no sweat .


  6. Facebook is home to Chief Operating officer Sheryl Sandberg , who is worth $ 1.1 billion and is one of the wealthiest women in technology .


  7. The compulsion to log on reached a point where I checked Facebook incessantly at home , on the train , and at work .


  8. It 's a truism that we all realise at some point in our lives , but new research suggests that it 's on Facebook that this home truth is most evident .


  9. Among other things , it helps explain why the company is wiring whole cities with fiber , why it created Android and what the unintended consequences of giving it away might be & such as allowing Facebook ( FB ) to lay down upstream nets with Facebook home .
