- 专家;感事(experiencer);专家方式

The Application of a Manage Information Exper System in Manage the Limiation of Equipement in Power Plant
By contrast , a fault tree methodology based on fuzzy sets theory can well adapt itself to this case because it can consider exper experience and fuzzy uncertain information and then quantify them .
Case-based reasoning ( CBR ) is a general paradigm for problem solving based on the recall and reuse of specific exper .
The results of this assessment show that the Exper System developed can accurately predict the state of slope stability , the main factors influencing slope stability and possible slope failure modes .
A criterion for evaluating expert system tools is proposed : A general expert system tool should not only be suitable for wide application domains , but also fully reflect the domain characters in the exper system built by the tool .
The person who becomes flexible II degree of more than two teeth accounts tor 58.95 % in the oral cavity of exper ment group , for contrast group is 20 % , compared two groups P < 0.01 , the difference has very remarkable meanings .