
  • n.退役军人;复员军人
  • ex-serviceman的复数
  1. Over nine-thousand ex-servicemen and women marched past in tribute to their fallen comrades .


  2. Firstly , the current system of ex-servicemen 's employment ought to be overall reformed by using for reference of foreign experience .


  3. Firstly , the current system of ex-servicemen 's employment , which remains dense color of planned economy , does not adjust to market economic system .


  4. We should expand other social benefit undertakings , such as social welfare , social relief , preferential job placement for ex-servicemen and mutual aid .


  5. State-owned companies must not put forward any " discriminatory documents " targeting ex-servicemen nor refuse them nor offer limits on their numbers , the report said .


  6. When Bush is giving a speech on the National Congress of Overseas Ex-servicemen Association of USA , the microphone obstructs his eyes .


  7. To do a research on the employment of ex-servicemen is so meaningful , which helps to foster social stability , motivate servicemen and strengthen the patriotic education .


  8. The Streetwise Opera itself includes three ex-servicemen , an architect , two music teachers , or who for different reasons , found themselves without a home and on the street .


  9. Ex-servicemen like Fred Smith at FedEx ( FDX ) and Ross Perot at EDS helped remake the corporate landscape in the years after World War II and the Vietnam and Korean wars .


  10. A total of 124100 university students ranging from undergraduates , postgraduates to doctoral students received funding last year for enlistment in the armed forces , while 8117 ex-servicemen were also subsidized with 44.6 million yuan of funding to pursue their higher education degrees .
