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  1. The Surface Evolver as a Tool For Material Science Research


  2. Research and application of mix calculation and adjustment program program Evolver mix and match


  3. Finally , the evolver is applied to the artificial ant problem .


  4. Evolver is a software added in Microsoft Excel spreadsheet , based on genetic algorithm theory .


  5. Several examples are present in this paper in order to demonstrate the using of Surface Evolver in materials science research .


  6. The robot was reportedly produced by Beijing robot company Evolver . It was developed for children aged between four and 12 years old for educational use .


  7. This is supported by quasi - stationary grain size distributions obtained from simulations of vertex model , surface evolver , phase-field model and monte carlo method .


  8. He is God , the Creator , the Evolver , the Bestower of Forms ( or Colors ) .


  9. By mathematical statistics based on the manufacturing process variations and variations of component and PCB , using the software of surface Evolver simulation , mode of BGA solder yield predictor was built .


  10. The Surface Evolver , as a universal software tool . was written in program C based on the minimal energy theory and the finite element analysis method for the purpose of solving the general problems in surface formation process .


  11. This paper presents a pipe routing optimization approach based on genetic algorithm with the Evolver tool . The Evolver genetic algorithm environment is in Excel spreadsheet , and exchanges data via DXF file with CAD platform . The paper also gives a simple instance .


  12. Through building some initial shapes which are similar to target shapes in Surface Evolver , after a long time of evolvement , we obtain the starfish vesicles with D_ 2h and D_ 3h symmetry , which are supported by experiment .


  13. And the program of model converting was achieved . Then , an example of PBGA ( Plastic Ball Grid Array ) model of 3-D solder joint shape with 218 vertexes predicted by Evolver was converted successfully by the program , which could show the feasibility of the method .
