- 网络越南电力集团;电力集团;越南电力总公司;埃里温机场;埃里温

Vietnam Electricity of Vietnam ( EVN ) is state holding company managing generation and transmission Five subsidiary distribution companies ;
Sequence analysis of HIV-1 evn C2-V3 region from HIV-1 isolates in Shangdong Province
Radio images of 13 γ - ray AGNs observed by European VLBI Network ( EVN ) are given .
Determination and Analysis of Partial evn Gene Nucleotide Sequences in Proviral Envelope Region of Two Strains of HTLV-I in Fujian Province
TopQuadrant 's Enterprise Vocabulary Net ( EVN ) is a commercial web-based collaborative system built around the SKOS data model for the management of controlled vocabularies across an enterprise .
I am going force myself to go to the gym tonight evn hough I just want to go home , be lazy , watch TV , and then go to bed .
The common financing ways could only bring 15 % capital needed for VN hydropower development , includes capital from the government 's capital program , those of EVN could be invested as corpus and capital from enterprises .
Enterprise Vocabulary Net ( EVN ) by TopQuadrant : Explore a web-based solution for simplified development and management of interconnected controlled vocabularies , taxonomies , thesauri , and ontologies .