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  • 网络激发态质子转移;质子转移;乳头括约肌切开术;乳头括约肌切开;激发态分子间质子转移
  1. 7-hydroxyquinoline ( 7-HQ ) is a kind of organic molecule with excited-state proton transfer ( ESPT ) effect .


  2. In contrast , 7-HQ in dimethyl sulfoxide ( DMS ) solution does not cause ESPT reaction . The fluorescence spectrum of the sample exhibits a single band .


  3. All optical switching and excited state proton transfer ( ESPT ) effect of 7-hydroxyquinolin ( 7-HQ ) in dimethyl sulfoxide ( DMS ) solution were investigated .


  4. Nowadays , the major cities in the country give priority to the development of urban public transit . The Expert System of Public Transit ( ESPT ) has been an important measure to improve the information and modernization of urban public transit system .


  5. Therefore 7-HQ is an excellent material for all optical switching . However , 7-HQ in DMS solution cannot present ESPT reaction because the intermolecular hydrogen band can not be formed between 7-HQ and DMS .


  6. The conclusion is that the change in the fluorescence spectrum of 7-HQ in DMS solution is due to the fact that 7-HQ causes ESPT reaction which results from the photodecomposition of DMS and the product of water after the solution was irradiated with strong UV light .
