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  • 网络沙三段
  1. Developed horizon and depth of the oil ? gas reservoirs in Es3 ? Es1 is renewed and lifted from south to north in turn ;


  2. It is found that a lot of natural fractures developed in the reservoir of middle Es3 in A area with the features of vertical zoning and plane parting on structure .


  3. Would the interaction of features cause unintended problems as we saw in ES1 and ES3 ?


  4. It is the main migration direction of hydrocarbon generated in Es3 and Es4 of Zhanhua sag .


  5. Lower Tertiary ( Es3 ) source in the depression nearby ; ( 3 ) the hydrocarbon generation history , migration phase and reservoir formation history .


  6. On this basis , for the lower Es3 reservoir of Weicheng Oilfield , making use of linear regression theory create this region 's explanation formula of permeability and porosity .


  7. Two examples are given showing the forming of lithological oil reservoir in lenticular sand bodies in the middle of Member Es3 in Niuzhuang area of Dongying sag .


  8. For the Dongying Formation , the source rock in Sha-3 member ( Es3 ) has greater potential yield of gas and it is important source rock of gas in Bohai area .


  9. The up-dip sandstone pinchout is clearly showed in internal Es3 target on seismic sections after logging-constraint seismic inversion , which created condition for identifying subtle traps .


  10. Focused on a key formation ( middle of Es3 ), developed high-frequency sequence stratigraphy , and researched the regularity of the distribution of oil-bearing Sand , thus predicted the reservoir sand distributions .


  11. Especially salt bed upgrowth actively , Now there has three sheathes of the master salt bed for Es1 、 lower Es2 、 Es3 in Pucheng Oilfield .


  12. The fan delta sand body developed in middle segment of ES3 of Wanzhuang structure in Lang-Gu depression is adjacent to oil-generating sag , which is of benefit to form the lithologic reservoir .
