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Discussion on strengthening maritime law-enforcement in the EEZ
Both sides are entitled to claim EEZ and continental shelf in accordance with the UNCLOS .
Talk on the Maintenance and Management of Living Resources of EEZ
Since its effectiveness , the regime of EEZ has become the customary international law observed by all States among the world .
EEZ was not a result in one or several conventions by accident ; it was produced because of deep history background .
The Philippines claims the area as part of the " exclusive economic zone " ( EEZ ) attached to its main archipelago .
Therefore , navigation for military detection is not in conformity with the requirements of international laws regarding to the freedom of navigation in EEZ .
However , these waters will never become Vietnams EEZ and continental shelf no matter which principle is applied in the delimitation .
Mineralogy and geochemistry of Ferromanganese Crusts from Johnston Island EEZ
The main cause of the disputes is the military activities of navy and air force that the military ships and planes need to pass through EEZ .
Manila says it will lose 80 per cent of its EEZ in waters off the western Philippines , including areas containing huge oil and gas deposits .
Recent disagreement has centred on the Chunxiao gas field , which lies within China 's EEZ but just a few kilometres from the median line .
Under the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea , activities in China 's EEZ would be illegal only if they were aimed at researching or prospecting natural resources .
Jurisdiction on pollution discharged by vessels will be in relation to interests of the coast countries , particularly in the Exclusive Economic Zone ( EEZ ) of the coast countries .
Marine crisis have since ancient times , while the oceans from our eez of infringement and could cause the crisis between countries is the United Nations convention on issued before some concepts .
However , since the effectiveness of the Convention , the regime of EEZ has become in the law of the sea the most difficult and complex issue of the widest scope that may lead to the most frequent international disputes .
The Pentagon said on Monday that the US naval ships were permitted to operate inside the Chinese exclusive economic zone , adding that coastal states do not have a right under international law to regulate foreign military activities in the EEZ .
Therefore , appeared as the activities of naval and air force , law of the sea enforcement and marine management strength in EEZ , these interests combine the functions of the sea defense , law of the sea enforcement and marine management as well .
The enlarged KADIZ included the nation 's two southernmost islands of Marado and Hongdo as well as the Suyan Rock , a submerged reef within the overlapping exclusive economic zones ( EEZ ) of China and South Korea .
Therefore , all states should regard the sovereignty and safety of the coastal State in their military activities , and use it only for peaceful aim . The range and extent of military use of EEZ are different by coastal State and other states .
This article discusses the various effects on territorial disputes of the South China Sea caused by those points mentioned in the UNCLOS on Exclusive Economic Zone ( EEZ ), Continental Shelve , Island , Reefs , Archipelago States and Waters .
Through its effective control of such islands , some of which are now equipped with airstrips , the tribunal ruled that China had illegally blocked the Philippines from developing fisheries and potential energy reserves in its own EEZ .
It can be inferred from the legal theory that the security interest of EEZ is originated from the inherent right of self-defense of the State and other right derived accordingly , and is the " naturally extended " security interest of the State .
Established on the basis of coordination and balance , original intention of legislating the regime of EEZ is to enlarge the jurisdiction of the coastal State so that to safeguard its natural resources and other interests , maintaining the interests of third world States .
The EEZ has been established by the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea , the 1982 UN Convention has also stipulated that the coastal states have the stipulated sovereign rights and jurisdictions in 200 nautical miles EEZ .
The EEZ is a special sea that differs from high seas and territorial sea , the sovereign rights of the EEZ of a coastal state is a part of the economic sovereign rights of the state , the convention 's stipulations respect state sovereignty .
The coastal State can conduct legislation upon the activities that violate the security interests of EEZ . This is the sovereignty right of the coastal State in its EEZ , and the solution direction provided by the development of the international norms for these residual rights .
The waters between Chinas Xisha Islands and the coast of the Vietnamese mainland are yet to be delimited . The two sides have not yet conducted delimitation of the Exclusive Economic Zone ( EEZ ) and continental shelf in these waters .
With the system established , costal states own the broad sea , where becomes their " Private plots " of utilizing and protecting the environmental and natural resource economics . In the meantime , The EEZ system realizes reasonable allocation on marine resources between maritime powers and coastal states .
Almost all States hold consistent approvals on navigation and overflight conducted only for passing through EEZ . However , tremendous differences are existing between the coastal and large marine States on the military purposes of naval and air military reconnaissance , military survey and exercises , etc. .