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  • 网络分布估计算法
  1. In this thesis , we propose a general ap-proach to analyzing the time complexity of EDAs .


  2. In contrast to traditional estimate distribution algorithm , parallel EDAs has greatly improved the efficiency when optimizing continuous functions and real time questions .


  3. Later the core of EDAs - probability map model was introduced and Bayesian network structure ( Bayesian Beliefs Networks ) was emphasized .


  4. Estimation of Distribution Algorithms ( EDAs ) are new evolutionary algorithms based on probabilistic model and have become a new focus in the field of evolutionary computation .


  5. Optimization of the hyper-parameters in GP surrogate modeling based on EDAs is proposed , which can solve the problem of local search algorithms .


  6. Cases in this study showed that the Suzuki stage of preoperative DSA was rank correlation with the extent of revascularization after EDAS . 5 .


  7. Investigation on 115 EDAs


  8. They are sequentially the introduction , literature review , the theoretical framework for this thesis , the contrastive analysis of appraisal resources in EDAs and CDAs and the conclusion .


  9. In recently years , EDAs have become a hot topic in field of evolutionary computation , which attract a large number of scholars carried on the theoretical research and application of optimization about them .


  10. This study showed that cortical microvascular density of patients with MMD was rank correlation with improvement of clinical symptoms , improvement of cerebral metabolism , and the extent of revascularization after EDAS .


  11. The results of Auger Electron Spectroscopy ( AES ) and Energy Dispersive Analysis X-ray Spectroscopy ( EDAS ) measurements show that the interface layer contains Au-Ga intermetallic compound and impurity P , Si .


  12. Estimation of distribution algorithms ( EDAs ) are a type of evolutionary algorithms based on probability models . Because of the excellent performance of EDAs on optimization problems and the model interpretation , EDAs are receiving more interest in recent years .


  13. Estimation of distribution algorithms ( EDAs ) are a new kind of colony evolution algorithms , through counting the excellent information of the individuals of present colony EDAs construct a probability distribution model , then sample the model to produce the next generation .


  14. However , most investigations were carried out on the basis of empirical observations . Although some scholars have concerned the convergence properties of EDAs , there is no investigation that analyzes successfully the time complexity of population-based EDAs by rigorous mathematical discussions .
