eclipse season

美 [ɪˈklɪps ˈsiːzn]英 [ɪˈklɪps ˈsiːzn]
  • 网络食季;星蚀季;蚀季;交食期
eclipse seasoneclipse season
  1. Explanation : This August was eclipse season .


  2. There is typically a 0-3 hour outage of imagery each day as GOES progresses through eclipse season .


  3. In electrical performance respect , it compares the discharge characteristic of 79 % DOD in the middle of the 1st eclipse season with the 36th eclipse season , and outlines the temperature characteristic of the charge and discharge period and the relation between capacity and hydrogen pressure .


  4. Especially in life performance respect it emphasizes the EOD potential characteristic in simulated GEO , 79 % DOD and the maximum DOD of 40 eclipse season s , the capacity change and the EOD potential change of the 3rd and 36th eclipse season of the batteries .


  5. Each day during the " satellite eclipse " season the sun is blocked by the earth and sunlight is not available to the goes solar array .
