eccentric contraction

美 [ɪkˈsentrɪk kənˈtrækʃn]英 [ɪkˈsentrɪk kənˈtrækʃn]
  • 离心收缩
eccentric contractioneccentric contraction
  1. The eccentric contraction of both sides ′ quadriceps and hamstring produced significantly higher torques than concentric contraction did in same speed .


  2. The eccentric contraction ability of the extensor of knee joint and ankle joint and fast contraction ability of the flexors in ankle joint determine the buffer effect of landing ;


  3. It is unreasonable rate that training of muscle of supporting leg eccentric contraction and concentric contraction .


  4. The test results were carried on statistics processing , compared the different effects on fast strength of lower body from different eccentric contraction speed . Results : 1 .


  5. This paper was to investigate whether prior heat stress had protective in rats against eccentric contraction induced muscle damage , and discussed the mechanism of mechanism effect of prior heat stress .


  6. The results showed that after eccentric contraction immediately , the production of MDA increased largely and peaked after one day . As a result , the role of lipid peroxidation damaging the cell membranes and the injuries of skeletal muscles became more serious .


  7. When taking the same speed , IEMG of concentric contraction was significantly larger than eccentric con-traction but the ratio of work to IEMG of eccentric contraction was much higher than concentric contrac-tion .


  8. Conclusion : Patients with knee OA have deficits in concentric and eccentric strength of quadriceps , which suggests that the muscle function test of patients with knee OA should include eccentric contraction test , and that patients with knee OA should enhance eccentric exercise of quadriceps .
