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美 [ˈdʌmɪŋ]英 [ˈdʌmɪŋ]
  • 网络使变笨;笨蛋化;杀时间和变笨;通东话叫断平
  1. On the other side are parents like Mike Jia , one of the thousands of Asian-American professionals who have moved to the district in the past decade , who said Aderhold 's reforms would amount to a " dumbing down " of his children 's education .


  2. second , teaching to the test is a form of dumbing down ;


  3. Immune-function Analysis of Pigs with Dumbing Immune Response to CSF Vaccine


  4. He called it the dumbing down of the Doha round .


  5. That it was nothing more than XML scripting and the dumbing down of developers .


  6. But Chris McGovern , chairman of the Campaign for Real Education , said the idea would lead to a " dumbing down of standards . "


  7. Critics also worry about rushing students through the material and pushing them prematurely onto college campuses , thus dumbing down classes for the other students .


  8. Middle-class teenagers are less intelligent than ageneration ago due to the dumbing down of youth culture and schooltests , a new study suggests .


  9. After all , these days it is popular for pundits to decry the dumbing down of the US media in general , and television in particular .


  10. But an illuminating study published last month by the Civitas think-tank suggests there is more to the improvement than the dumbing down of exams .


  11. Dumbing down the magnitude quickly followed , but in order to ensure the public did not notice , the USGS took control of all websites reporting quake statistics .


  12. All the same , given the perceived dumbing down of such a world , when people do read I think they 'll want to feel they are reading literature , or at least something serious .


  13. Even more so , an unspoken nostalgia for an age when book-learning was the noblest of pursuits has invigorated the debate about the dumbing down of America .
