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美 [ˈdʌlseɪ]英 [ˈdʌlseɪ]
  • n.甜食;甜饮料


C U甜食;甜饮料
a sweet food or drink, especially a sweet or jam

  1. There is evidence that something strange does go on at Dulce .


  2. In1987 , the " Dulce Papers " are first released .


  3. John , deciding to leave Dulce , was followed by two men in a car as he left town .


  4. The actual disinformation maneuver would result in making the public believe there was nothing to the Dulce story .


  5. The multi-level facility at Dulce is reported to have a central HUB which is controlled by base security .


  6. However , the absence of a good pest control , the germination rate of Pithecellobium dulce is very low .


  7. The Study on the Introduction and Soil Improvement of Prosopis Chilensis and Pithecellobium Dulce


  8. In1977 he was transferred to the Dulce facility .


  9. The Cultivation Techniques and Drought-tolerance Research on Pithecellobium Dulce and Prosopis Chilensis


  10. Prosopis chilensis and Pithecellobium dulce have a wealth of rhizobium which can improve soil fertility and soil structure quickly .


  11. Data on five entrances to Dulce Lab is leaked , and the government takes care of them by destroying buildings and building new ones in odd locations for apparently no perceivable reason .


  12. Believe it or not , the ice cream here is among the best in the world , and dulce de leche and malbec flavors are absolute must-haves .


  13. Discussion on Cultivating the University Students Nature based on Herding Cattle in the Rock Carvings on Mount Baoding ; The Cultivation Techniques and Drought-tolerance Research on Pithecellobium Dulce and Prosopis Chilensis


  14. A registered nurse runs the program , dubbed Project dulce , meeting with patients as often as necessary , with the goal of helping patients keep their blood sugar leels , blood pressure , and cholesterol leels down long-term .


  15. On the other stone were the names of Boyd and Tom with something in Latin which began " dulce et & " but it meant nothing to Scarlett who had managed to evade Latin at the Fayetteville academy .
