- n.表面有绒的厚呢料

He pointed to a duffle bag . 'That 's my stuff . '
One was a Red Dwarf whose name appeared to be Duffle .
Or , pack an extra duffle bag to bring them home yourselves .
Duffel / duffle bag I wear Large , @ says Li Ping .
The black Bible and his mother 's glasses were still in the bottom of his duffle bag .
All his herringbone and duffle coats were made of a water-repellent fabric .
I knew exactly where my pepper spray was - still in my duffle bag under the bed , never unpacked .
I knew exactly where my pepper spray was & still in my duffle bag under the bed , never unpacked .
There they found a little house with a smoking chimney and an open door , and as they came to the doorway Duffle called out ,
If backpack / DUFFLE BAGS etc. , the load bearing straps must be flag stitched in place to ensure that they do not break under strain .
A man in northern Illinois found a valuable surprise in his backyard Tuesday afternoon : A duffle bag filled with stacks of $ 20 bills .
Duffle & Epstein ( 1992b ) also proposed a type of BSDE independently to characterize the stochastic differential utility ( SDU ) .
After computer printers and duffle bags had been carried to dorm rooms , everyone gathered in the gymnasium , students on one side of the bleachers , parents on the other .
Wearing a blue wool jumper with a matching scarf , accompanied by a navy blue duffle coat , the London-born performer cuts a stylish and handsome figure .
With Shadow wanting nothing more than to be with him , about nine years ago McManus had a specialty harness made from the skin of a durable duffle bag and the two have been flying together since .
As Wayne Sabaj , a49-year-old unemployed carpenter living in Johnsburg , explained to WGN , he had been looking for broccoli in his garden when he saw the duffle bag .
One was a Red Dwarf whose name appeared to be Duffle . The other was a stag , a beautiful lordly creature with wide liquid eyes , dappled flanks and legs so thin and graceful that they looked as if you could break them with two fingers .
Before the plane got off the runway , the 30-something blond-haired woman wearing flip-flops and carrying a red duffle bag called the flight attendant over to her and said was sick . She then handed the attendant a note , reports MSN News on May 8 .
Then Duffle and Bricklethumb took Shasta outside to a bench which ran against the cottage wall , and they all stretched out their legs and gave a great sigh of contentment and the two Dwarfs lit their pipes . The dew was off the grass now and the sun was warm ;