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  • 网络格式;数字负片;数码底片
  1. Thermodynamic study on the extraction of Au ( iii ) with DNG


  2. The scatter characteristic of electrically large objects coated by DNG is analysed .


  3. Numerical results show that DNG can reduce the backscattering of objects , but increase forward scattering of objects simultaneously .


  4. The full-wave simulations of double negative ( DNG ) medium are made using higher-order time-domain computational electromagnetic methods .


  5. The design method and electromagnetic characteristics of cavity backed microstrip antenna with double negative ( DNG ) substrates are studied in the paper .


  6. By using periodical condition the dispersion relation is obtained for 1D infinitely periodical photonic crystal composed of SNG or DNG .


  7. The numerical simulation of the new type of DNG is studied by using FDTD method and CST software , and the physical mechanism analysis for this structure is discussed in detail .


  8. The FDTD method is capable of correctly computing electromagnetic propagation and scattering in DNG . Wave propagation in DNG is simulated by one-dimension FDTD .


  9. The study on theory and application of DNG structure is at initial stage . The DNG structure is applied to waveguide antenna and arrays in this thesis to enhance the gain of antennas .


  10. Compact electromagnetic band-gap ( EBG ) structure and double negative ( DNG ) structure are new types of electromagnetic material presented recently , which have greatly potential applications on the field of microwave and optics .


  11. Except double negative ( DNG ) media , it is well known that photonic crystals ( PCs ) can also support negative refraction . And recently it has been suggested that chiral media could also support negative refraction under certain conditions .


  12. The gain patterns of the rectangular waveguide antenna and arrays with and without DNG structure are compared . Simulation and experimental results show that the forward gain of antenna is enhanced distinctly and backward radiation is somewhat restrained with the DNG structure .


  13. In this thesis , the electromagnetic ( EM ) wave propagation and scattering in double negative medium ( DNG ) are investigated with finite-difference time-domain ( FDTD ) method and CST software . The applications of DNG to reduce RCS are discussed .


  14. The inversion formulas of constitutive parameters of DNG in waveguide are given through revising the NRW method according to the difference between DNG and ordinary medium . Thirdly , the periodization influences of the three kinds of truncation boundary are analysed according to the image theory .
