- n.(西)迭尔;(英)代尔;(法、德、匈)迪尔
- adj.一昼夜的

Diel variations of dimethyl sulfur compounds in the surface water of Xiamen Western sea area
The nutrient elements have diel and seasonal changes .
To Look the Development and Change of Miao Culture from DIEL of Miao People since Ming and Qing Dynasties
Vertical characteristics and diel variation of chlorophyll a in the typical areas of East China Sea and Southern Yellow Sea
Diel Rhythm of Phytoplankton in the Waters of North Yellow Sea in Autumn and Winter
The Diel Rhythm of Pethidine & induced Analgesia in Mice
Diel and seasonal rhythms of serum melatonin level in Monopterus albus
The diel vertical migration of zooplankton was irrelevant to the phytoplankton density .
The feeding intensity showed significantly diel variations in each season with two main peaks occurring at 08:00 h and 24:00 h.
The Diel Rhythmic Pattern of Condylar Cartilage Endogenous PGE_2 in Young Rats After Posterior Mandible Traction
A Model of Venturous Revenue on the Diel Vertical Migration of Planktonic Copepod
Two thermal environments , one with and the other without thermal gradients , were designed to study diel variation in body temperature ( Tb ) .
How to Maintenance Nanjing IVECO Diel Engine
Diel activity patterns of two female small Indian mongooses ( herpestes auropunctatus ) in relation to weather
No-hair day diel and seasonal changes of carbon dioxide emission from mollic-cryic Cambisols on degraded grassland
Both calling behavior and titers of 4 sex pheromone components showed distinct diel rhythms , and the two peak periods were synchronous .
Diel balance of DO in mariculture ponds
In West Philippine Sea , the diel changes of mixed layer depth played a significant role in the optical variability and particle export of the upper layer .
Diel variations in diving duration , swimming speed and sonar emission rate were analyzed for the porpoises . second , in the duration and art ;
The seasonal and diel variation in fecundity of females in situ . were observed , and the pattern of spawning and its ecological significance were also discussed .
( Salinity ) and nitrate concentration did not correlate with the diel variation of DMS , DMSP and DMSO .
Diel rhythms of calling behavior and sex pheromone production of beet armyworm , Spodoptera exigua ( lepidoptera : noctuidae )
Nutrients also enhanced the changing amplitude of the diel variations of in vivo fluorescence , enhanced fluorescence ratio , chlorophyll a and changed the timing of daily maxima in enhanced fluorescence ratio .
The results showed that the rapid light curves of both algae had diel changes during light-dark cycles . The maximum of relative electron transport rate of P.dentatum was 1.8 & 2.6 times of P.tricornutum .
Studies on the glands and the release mechanism of the female sex pheromone in Clania variegata snell . & ⅳ . diel physiological rhythms of the female adult and the release mechanism of its sex pheromone
In this paper , studies were carried out on diel variations of four digestive enzyme ( protease , α amylase , cellulase and lipase ) activities in the larvae of mud crab , Scylla serrata , in artificial rearing .
We studied thermal tolerance and thermal dependence of locomotor performance of Chinese striped-necked turtle ( Ocadia sinensis ) hatchling , and designed two thermal environments , one with and one without thermal gradients , to study diel variation in body temperature ( Tb ) .
A model of venturous revenue for diel vertical migration ( DVM ) of zooplankton is developed , which is motivated by zooplankter chasing the maximum value of venturous revenue , i.e. , cropping as much food at as less cost of mortality as possible .