declarative mood

美 [dɪˈklærətɪv muːd]英 [dɪˈklærətɪv muːd]
  • 网络陈述语气;宣告语气;声明语气
declarative mooddeclarative mood


a mood (grammatically unmarked) that represents the act or state as an objective fact
Synonym: indicative mood indicative declarative common mood fact mood


  1. Third , in mood and modality system , declarative mood dominates both texts for statement for direct information transmission .


  2. Declarative mood , imperative mood and interrogative mood can realize interpersonal meaning as typical and non-typical mood .


  3. The major findings can be summarized like this : Firstly , in mood system declarative mood occupies an overwhelming percentage of all the three mood types .


  4. From the perspective of mood system , the study shows that the declarative mood plays the predominant role and it is followed by the imperative and interrogative mood .


  5. Secondly , concerning the realization of the interpersonal function , the author hasfound : ( 1 ) The declarative mood is the dominant one in court debates ;


  6. It is found that in the discourse of hotel brochures information-giving can be realized by declarative mood and also by interrogative and imperative mood structures . Action-demanding is realized by imperative mood and by declarative mood .


  7. In respect of the interpersonal function , Mood , Modality and Person system are mainly discussed , and the research finds that declarative mood plays a major role in English song lyrics and its translations with imperative mood and interrogative mood following behind .


  8. As to the interpersonal function , the contrastive analysis of speech function shows that the majority of clauses choose declarative mood in both ETT-C and ETT-B so as to give vivid description of scenic spot and provide rich tourism information for the tourists .


  9. Apart from the features like declarative sentence mood and simple thematic structure , more cohesive devices are used in this kind of materials .


  10. The study reveals , in consumer advertising , functional tenor is mainly realized by material and relational processes , declarative and imperative mood , modal operator ' can ' , person system and attitudinal adjectives .
