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  • 网络直接存取存储设备;直接访问存储设备;直接存取存储器
  1. Years ago in I / T the cost and space of DASD was a more important consideration .


  2. Typically , users will store objects into DASD initially .


  3. A user , group , or DASD data set that is defined to RACF .


  4. Such designs not only waste DASD space , but also require higher resource consumption for many DB2 operations .


  5. We distributed the DASD for the user mail boxes over these mount points .


  6. The more often that the data requested by applications is in memory rather than out on DASD , the better overall performance will be .


  7. A storage group is a set of volumes on a physical storage device , DASD ( direct access storage devices ) on the mainframe .


  8. Also , we added four more CPs , increased the memory to26 GB , and added more DASD to support the full user load .


  9. Let 's simulate this scenario , assuming that objects stay six months in DASD , three years in external storage , and seven years in tapes .


  10. The classical concurrent mode volume groups ( VGs ) only supported Serial DASD and SSA disks in conjunction with the32-bit kernel .


  11. Place the partitions for the table space and indexes on separate DASD volumes and ( if possible ) separate control units in order to minimize I / O contention .


  12. However , over-allocating free space may result in wasted DASD space , less data transferred per I / O , less efficient use of buffer pools and more pages to scan .


  13. This instructs DB2 to pass the index keys to the sort program in memory , rather than having the keys written to and read once again from sort work files on DASD .


  14. On System z , it takes considerable time for the image to come up since there are many devices ( DASD , network devices , etc. ) attached to the machines that are required to load different images .


  15. After being read in from DASD , the data and index pages go into these slots and remain there until the DB2 buffer manager determines that those slots should be used for some other data .


  16. The advantage of using ECKD DASD devices is that they are visible from the z / VM CMS environment and thus can be easily managed from a typical z / VM system programming environment .


  17. The disadvantage is that the System z I / O architecture specifies that only one I / O operation can be active at any time on a specific target device ( UCB or DASD subchannel ) .


  18. This is accomplished by increasing VPSIZE as long as the number of DASD I / Os keeps decreasing until the cost of paging outweighs the benefit of the reduced I / O.


  19. In a sense ," DASD is cheap ," and bandwidth is also getting cheaper (" DASD " is an old IBM way of saying " hard disks "; and the phrase is a design cliche ) .
