- n.达拉伊

Chemical Gas Concentration Measurement Using SAW Dalay Lines
Social Factors of the Dalay of Treatment For Barely Phthisic Patients
Any further dalay would add billions to the cost .
On the dynamical properties of the interval map associated with a dalay logistic equation
It is obvious that even if we can save much energy , we can only dalay the energy crisis .
We designed the nonminimum-phase model-reference adaptive control system whose reference model is N dalay and controller is adaptive filter based on Adaline . The numerical examples show that the method is very effective .
Make a close study of the remote data transmission technology , and choose GPRS system as the carrier of the remote data transmission to reduce the cost and time dalay , and enhance the stability of data transmission .
Some early studies suggest that energy intake restriction can expand mice lifespan , and dalay occurrence of many disease , such as cancer , neurodegenerative diseases , diabetes and other age-related disease .
The paper has analyzed the situation in the different system cycle and different train in the RBC mutual , gets the average dalay curvers on periodic message and non-periodic message model . Thus it explained the influence control data timely factor .