
  • n.膀胱内压测量法
  1. Result Both cystometry and modified leak point decreased .


  2. In addition , filling cystometry was performed to show unstable bladder .


  3. Study for the nursing effectiveness evaluation and clinical guidance of abdominal compartment syndrome monitoring by cystometry


  4. The compliance and maximum volume of bladder were examined by filling cystometry .


  5. After the cystometry , cut the bladder at the posterior urethral , the specimens were divided into four parts .


  6. Methods Eleven cases with ileocolonic orthotopic bladder substitution were detected with the cystometry and the rest urethral pressure profile .


  7. The re-sults of cystometry demonstrated the detrusor reflex had returned 7 months after operation in two groups of nerve renovation .


  8. Methods DI model was confirmed by filling cystometry from rats that underwent partial bladder outlet obstruction ( BOO ) about 8 weeks ago .


  9. The rabbits underwent postoperative assessments for bladder functions at week 8 , including cystometry , vesical volume , and vesical compliance .


  10. Methods Cystometry was performed to observe the occurance of detrusor instability ( DI ) after 6 weeks of Wistar rats LUT .


  11. The rate of detrusor instability at the end of cystometry ( detrusor spasm ) was 22.2 % and 7.7 % , respectively ( P < 0.05 );


  12. Methods A total of 134 patients with post-prostatectomy urinary incontinence underwent cystometry , pressure-flow study , leak point pressure ( LPP ), urethral pressure profile ( UPP ) .


  13. Aim : To investigate the difference of urodynamic pattern by using natural filling ( NF ) and artificial filling ( AF ) cystometry in children with monosymptomatic primary nocturnal enuresis ( PMNE ) .


  14. Methods Animal models of BOO were made in female Wistar rats 6 weeks later , the change of detrusor excitability , contractility and compliance were examined by means of cystometry and the in vitro detrusor strip study .


  15. Methods The UDS was performed in 102 patients with BPH , which included Uroflowmetry ( UFR ), Filling cystometry ( CMG ), pressure flow study , measurement of residual urine , analysis of bladder outlet obstruction ( BOO ) .


  16. Animal models of partial bladder outlet ob-struction were established in group 2 . Cystometry was performed in rats 6 weeks after obstruction , and the ra-tio of smooth muscle to collagen of bladder was obtained by method of double immunohistochemical staining .


  17. The correlation rates of curve of flow , cystometry bladder capacity , compliance , stability , and function length of urethra are ~ 93.7 % , ~ 99.1 % , ~ 92.1 % and ~ 96.8 % , respectively . These are higher than other parameters .


  18. The functional changes of urinary bladder induced nocuous stimulus to the cervix were studied by filling cystometry performed before and after building the cervicitis model with 25 % phenol mucilage . The 25 % phenol mucilage was replaced by 0.9 % saline in control group . 2 .
