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  • abbr.军营食品店备用资金(Commissary Store Reserve Fund)
  1. Some variants use CSRF to pre-load data in forms , some don 't.


  2. In a CSRF attack , your users can easily become unsuspecting accomplices .


  3. If you know nothing about XSS or CSRF , take the time to learn more about these security vulnerabilities .


  4. In CSRF attacks , unauthorized commands are transmitted from a user that the Web site trusts .


  5. A mashup application or page must address CSRF , Ajax vulnerabilities , XSS , and other potential security weaknesses .


  6. Finally , make sure your PHP code is resilient to XSS attacks , form spoofs , and CSRF attacks .


  7. One technique intruders use to initiate a CSRF attack is to embed a URL within the src attribute of an tag .


  8. To guard yourself against CSRF , use the one-use token approach you use in your habit of verifying form posts .


  9. Every edit operation must be accompanied by a token , which ensures the validity of the user request and protects against CSRF attacks .


  10. As CSRF didn 't fit the requirements for clickjacking , we had to come up with a new term to avoid confusion .


  11. Cross-Site Request Forgeries ( CSRF attacks ) are exploits that take advantage of user privileges to carry out an attack .


  12. The server will assume that any requests that lack the correct value in the Request-Token header are CSRF attack attempts and will reject them .


  13. CSRF ( Cross Site Request Fogery ) allows attackers to bypass cookie based authentication . I blogged about it a while ago .


  14. You can typically prevent CSRF attacks by requiring that a unique token or cookie be passed with every request , which can be done with Dojo .


  15. With DWR we use full JavaScript which is as vulnerable as JSON , however DWR 's CSRF protection automatically uses the doubly-submitted cookie pattern to provide extra safety .


  16. The browser 's same-origin policy does not prevent CSRF attacks because the attack requests are transmitted to the same origin in proxy for the intruding third-party site .


  17. In addition to handling traditional threats , a mashup application or web page must address such issues as cross-site scripting ( XSS ) and cross-site request forgery ( CSRF ), among others .


  18. You can prevent this type of CSRF attack if the server at mybank avoids the use of HTTP GET requests to initiate changes and , instead , uses only POST requests to initiate changes .
